you may remember our good friend jakob burrows from the former great Livevideo spaceship hahaaaa.
Well the genius that he is, he has his own site with a helluva a lot of creative videos many of which are infact awesome which dignifies the domain name for his site check it out and see if ya get creative tinglings hahaaaa
Conserning making a funny video. I have found the cure to my video block. you start by adding Adams glasses with Chigs bad breathaway mints, add some of syncs sweat (Must be the type that pours when noboday has posted a video in 24 hours, not the other kind) a picture of omega with long hair, Rams pets, jinboys beer, spacemonkeys bad acting script and mix them together.
put them in the oven and watch the magic happen. and dont forget to wait untill its brown and crispy, cut the cake,… Continue
I was told that he died for my sins. And then by way of sincere reply I said "It could of been my only hope that he would of lived in spite of them". SS
That is the way someone explained having experienced a trauma at a very young age felt, as if she had a hole in her soul.
When she said it, it made me want to cry because it described how I have felt my entire life. As if something important was missing, as if I left something behind that I shouldn't have. As if I had a hole in my soul.
She explained that she spent her life trying to fill that hole with food... maybe that is what…
I cursed the man in the parking lot from behind my steering wheel, the one who opened his car door, emptied his trash onto the ground, and then kicked it under his car to hide what he’d done. It’s difficult for me not to extend my contempt to the whole of our species when I see a single one of us taking a shit on the world.
I’m in a foul mood a lot these days. Most of my spare time is split between two volunteer activities: monitoring a Cooper’s hawk nest for a research project, and… Continue
The last we heard from Kevin, he had asked for prayers regarding his mom, who'd had a minor stroke.
For anyone who's been wondering, his mom was in a hospital for a little while and then she got very depressed and was transferred to a geriatric hospital that specializes in depression. She's doing okay, although Kevin's not able to see her.
He's having a difficult time adjusting to the absence of his mom and it's compounding his physical condition, which means his hands are too… Continue
So far we have 14 people standing on deck and I am waiting for a couple more. After I have them, we're ready to set sail. This takes a little longer because it is an open invitation project and people have to work it into their very different schedules.
This also means that there is still time to sign up if you feel so inspired. Once the ship sails however, it's gone ;-)
Original music and video. Recording created using GarageBand, 4 tracks of manually played JamPack instruments, 2 tracks of real, live acoustic guitar played in the bathroom and 3…
The path that I am on today is the hardest road that I have journeyed
upon throughout my entire life. It is the path of learning. It is the
path of discovering the truth about the world around me and the essence
of my own being. It is a path that is made clearer by the people around
me by showing me new ideas and bringing forth different ways to look at
the things around me. It is a path that would be unbearable without the
honest debate of friends.
I'm not usually one to make a big deal about things. I make mistakes and I deal with the consequenses but sometimes, things just make so little sense that it is impossible to allow it to go unsaid.
I have been doing business with for a while, probably since they launched. I have made hotel, care and plane reservations through them. Sometimes, I have had to change or cancel my reservation and at times, I have even had to pay a small fee to do so, but this…
Today we had to put to sleep are oldest dachshund Tasha. she lived 18 years and 4 months and is the reason we have two other doxies. She is missed but is in a better place now.…Continue
I have been working as a temp for the last six months and everything was fine, but two weeks ago I was made a permanent employee and now all I can think about is how badly I want to quit. I just want to stay home and make papier-mache monsters or something crazy like that. Is there a market for papier-mache monsters?
My Mom had a stroke last week. She has weakness on her right side and difficulty speaking, She is in a nursing home now for rehab. I have never felt so scared and alone. I am bedridden and cannot even visit her.
Please say a prayer or positive thought for my Mom Olga's recovery.
If anyone would be interested in helping me write a song for music month then reply to this blog.
I thought if people had ideas for songs or lyrics they would like to suggest, I would attempt to put them to music. Just an acoustic guitar affair, nothing too flashy but if you would like to help me I would appreciate it.
If you're a musician and want to play on the finished video, add a riff, take a solo whatever then feel free to let me…