Whatever floats your boat...
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Added by jinboy 7 Comments 2 Favorites
Added by jinboy 3 Comments 0 Favorites
Added by jinboy 6 Comments 0 Favorites
Posted on September 12, 2012 at 1:06am 3 Comments 0 Favorites
So I have a job, it has nothing to do with my degree.
For "security" reasons i am unable to state where i work nor can i say what my role in the company is....................
I can tell you without a doubt it is not as glamarous as your imagining
to fill in what i do for a living on facebook i came up with a fake job
so my job role from hence forth is head rock cleaner in a secret…
ContinuePosted on June 2, 2012 at 8:46pm 0 Comments 0 Favorites
its been a while but its been long enough,
the last time i called you was a year ago,
i said bye before you got to say hello,
an awkward moment?
maybe so but that was then but its still their and you know,
remember when you hung up and i never said a…
ContinuePosted on April 13, 2012 at 6:49am 1 Comment 0 Favorites
anf i hope this shows up in the states :P
Posted on March 21, 2012 at 11:35am 3 Comments 0 Favorites
not too sure about vevo and countries but this songs stirs me up
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saw this an though of you. Enjoy
wazzz Uuupppppp?

yo bachelor,
A Quissmas gift for calming your spirit!
go here http://www.wix.com/vijayridges/magicarpetride password: angel
find a comfortable couch for 72 minutes, enjoy all seven of your chakra's
to be fluffed!
Arkian Michael

Never forget, I may not be making the videos, but Tink has a dark side...Wear A Helmet and bulletproof vest, and we can have that Tea ...
Congrads on your 4 year appointment brother!
still a bachelor huh?
Full Moon
The Moon is now radiating out the full light of the Sun, and the Full Moon is as bright as it can be. For a few days we are able to go about with confidence and see everything with full awareness, but soon it will start to decrease in size and light. The time just before the Full Moon is considered very powerful, but afterwards the power is waning. The Full Moon is a lunar power time, and a Full Moon Eclipse is called a Lunar Eclipse.
After the Full Moon, the Moon begins to decrease in size, losing its power. This is why it is not a good time to start new projects. The Moon which rules our daily activities is not able to help them increase and grow. This is a time to share the knowledge that you have learned, to enjoy the fruits of your labors, or release what does not work; it is a time of quiet, inner work and meditation.
If you have never worked with the Sun or Moon before don't worry that you won't do the right thing. You don't need to do elaborate rituals or visualizations. All you have to do is have the intention to work with the Sun or Moon and think of what you would like to accomplish and do things at the right time.
have a happy release my brotha from anotha motha!
Those snacks far exceed my expectations so you better be ready for "sudden guests", like as soon as I can defrost these wings, and calculate wind currents over the Atlantic, I'mma crash my face right into your window...No delays allowed in permitting entry. I promise to burp emphatically, and appreciate all sweet offerings. I may even bring my "scene it" DVD game and we can play trivia. Only No High Fives. You might whack me against the window and our visit will terminate unexpectedly...gentle. she is evil yet delicate...
Yes, this IS your house and I just barged right in, unannounced, sat at your kitchen table and wanna know what kind of snacks you got....well? give it up...
want you to know i was thinking of you. When I am sick or feel sad, that's when I revisit videos and comments to remember I am not alone and to appreciate people like you who are not afraid to share parts of themselves with folks like me....I hope all is well. How is university treating you? Tink Says Hi!! Dunno why you never let her into your window in wayback days... She may have treated you much better than most of the others. Or not...she is a woman. probably has mood swings!
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