The Ark

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All Blog Posts (962)

Cute Wet Rat

A pitifully soggy Bouncer checks in after the storm.

Photos by pendragon…

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

Unlimited Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire Continue

Added by BlancheNoE on June 15, 2010 at 11:18pm — 8 Comments


get ready as the english take on the yanks in the opening match of the group B world cup soccer/football championship

Added by jinboy on June 12, 2010 at 2:23pm — 5 Comments

Doing My Part to Clean Up the Oil!

I couldn't figure out how to upload this here, so here is the link.

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.

I'm hoping someone who matters will see this and get the ball rolling. Like today.

Added by JustAnotherUserName on June 3, 2010 at 10:21am — 8 Comments

Don't worry about the mileage. :)

Expected to go for $5,000,000
Anyone wanna go halfsies?

Added by photo2010 on June 2, 2010 at 7:01pm — 5 Comments

The story of the attacks Nazi Germany made against Allied shipping in Newfoundland's Conception Bay

Hi again, trying to write another "real" blog. I am writing about something that really pisses me off! Today i'm writing about an event most people don't even know about. Being a proud Newfoundlander, i try to keep abreast of things of history that have a "Newf" twist.One of these things are the wrecks of Allied ships that were sunk off of Bell Island in Newfoundland's Conception Bay(the only place in North America directly attacked by Nazi Germany).Let me give a brief history of the… Continue

Added by harl on May 31, 2010 at 2:30am — 4 Comments

Vloggerheads Update

For those few of you who also frequent Vloggerheads, I figured I'd give you an update (or at least communicate what little I know).

A couple of days ago, members were signing on only to find that they were entered into someone else's account, even to the degree that they could see their inbox (remind you of something...?) so Tom, the owner, took it offline and sent a query to Ning. It appears that only a few members were affected (whoever was online at the time) and that it took about… Continue

Added by SydTheSkeptic on May 28, 2010 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Just so you know,...

Just so you know,...

Howdy Folks…


Added by pendragon on May 25, 2010 at 9:00pm — 14 Comments


5hrs before im 23

the 22nd year of my life got back to wiriting peotry

had a year of smoking cigars and cigarettes

lost 14lb in weight

realised that losing a family member is far more painfull then losing the love of your life

found out that im WAY TOO calm and laid back during exam season

at 22 i grew at 23 ima be FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Added by jinboy on May 25, 2010 at 2:05pm — 3 Comments

The internet is a time machine.

Today, against my better judgment, I watched the live feed coming

from the commencement at the university where I worked for 18 years.

That was my last job, where I became ill, and had to quit on disability

in Dec-1999. I was the Photojournalist for the university. A wonderful

and very challenging job which required me to cover almost every possible

activity and event that took place, both on an off campus. I got to meet

and photograph many famous people… Continue

Added by photo2010 on May 23, 2010 at 2:30pm — 7 Comments

Happy Birthday Mom

My Mom would have been 87 today..

Happy Birthday Mom, I will always Love and miss you
and cherish your memory.

I found this video recently from a few years ago..

Added by photo2010 on May 19, 2010 at 1:27pm — 8 Comments

I'm Pregnant

,...with a thirty pound liver baby.

Unfortunately, our road trip this year was not for fun. John and I spent a week at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN last month in the hopes that I might get liver re-section surgery so that I could re-gain some semblance of quality of life but due to the plurality and distribution of my cysts, I am not a candidate for the surgery.
Polycystic liver disease is a hereditary disease caused by mutated genes. Cysts form and then the…

Added by BlancheNoE on May 16, 2010 at 8:29pm — 19 Comments

Graduation Day

Today is the day that the campus I work at will be billowing with caps and gowns. I feel a compulsion to greet every student wearing a gown with heartfelt congratulations, even though most of them are self-absorbed on

this day and don't even make eye contact. Their parents follow them around

toting floral arrangements that probably cost what I spend on groceries in a

month. I love this day, because I love my job as an academic advisor and seeing



Added by NatureJunkie on May 14, 2010 at 1:49pm — 4 Comments

Norways Finest

Lene marlin awesome singer and… Continue

Added by jinboy on May 12, 2010 at 9:12am — 1 Comment

Memories of my Parents

This is the first in what may become a series of memories I have of my family.

I can't say for sure if this is an actual earliest memory of mine or just feels like it, but

here it is.

When I was a baby, a very round chubby baby, my Parents hired a photographer to

come to our house and take pictures of my brother and me. Well, I was set on the

couch, and I was so roly-poly, I would roll over to my left or right and my Dad had

to keep setting me upright. If… Continue

Added by photo2010 on May 5, 2010 at 2:16am — 5 Comments


I hope to write some blogs about my Mom and Dad as a tribute to them,

and to share a little of my love for them. I don't know if I'm ready to

do this heart still hurts.

My Mom used to tell me stories about her amazing life and I would suggest

that she write them down. She told me she started to..I hope I can find her

writings. i had also planned to video her talking about her life, but…

Added by photo2010 on May 4, 2010 at 11:47am — 5 Comments

teacher CRUSH!!!!!

i wonder what thats like

cant find this anywhere else so if it does not work in america SoWiiiii!!!!!!!!

Fixed it now hopefully its global… Continue

Added by jinboy on April 27, 2010 at 10:30am — 3 Comments



I think I was away for so long..sorry..

whats happening?


Added by ferdz ines on April 26, 2010 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

Another Tear Jerker,..

I was attracted by the familiar nomenclature and then blown away by the content.
,...had to share

Space Monkey from Leo Burnett on…


Added by BlancheNoE on April 23, 2010 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Doh!! Goodbye FREE Ning Sites...

FYI- Ning announced lay-offs today and that they'd also be discontinuing free accounts.

You can read about it at TechCrunch HERE.

It doesn't effect The Ark since I pay for it but I know that many of you began storing your videos on your own "Ninglets" last year and embedded them here to save us bandwidth. I'm not sure when this will take effect but I hope it doesn't effect you too adversely.

If you have a Ninglet and you store your vids there, make sure you have… Continue

Added by SydTheSkeptic on April 16, 2010 at 1:16am — 7 Comments

A Glimpse at the Booty

For some reason that doesn't sound right.

Anyway... I have been challenged by Syd/Pyper as well as AnnelidaFilms in the Videolympics 2010. Should either of them win I grant a game of chance in which each winner/winning team gets to pick a door to reveal what is behind. Yes, Syd/Pyper, you get to pick one total should you win ;-)

Behind 5 doors I have placed videos that were deemed too embarrassing or too private to upload. Video ideas/movies gone wrong, touchy…


Added by LtAdams2247 on April 14, 2010 at 4:23pm — 4 Comments

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