The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Today we had to put to sleep are oldest dachshund Tasha. she lived 18 years and 4 months and is the reason we have two other doxies. She is missed but is in a better place now.

Views: 23

Comment by BlancheNoE on February 20, 2010 at 8:12pm
So sorry to hear it, Jessica and Deb. Yes, they may go to a better place but our sorry asses are left here to miss them. Thinking of you and I know her proteges are sensing your loss along with their own and are trying to comfort you. Hugs and pets all around.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on February 21, 2010 at 11:33am

I'm not gone...not really.
I haven't gone away...I've only gotten bigger.
My eyes, so bright, now shine among the stars.
My voice sings with the wind in winter, as I leap
And dance among the tree tops.
I stalk the blown leaves in autumn, and brush the
Flowers gently in the spring.
I come to you in dreaming, on feet grown dreamtime soft,
And lay my cheek against yours, and whisper:
"Peace be with you."
Someday we will play again together, you and I, among the stars.
'Til then, fear not to love, for your love gave my life meaning.
And I return that love to you...a hundredfold...a thousandfold...

by Audrey E. Nickel
Comment by NatureJunkie on February 21, 2010 at 8:44pm
When I think of Tasha I think of so many things Deborah has written about her in blogs. She was indeed a dear little soul, and the world was filled with more light for her being in it.
Comment by NatureJunkie on February 21, 2010 at 8:48pm
Tasha. I'm glad she'll live on in this.

Comment by Chig on February 25, 2010 at 9:01pm
Writing down your experiences helps a little.
Wish they could stay with us forever.
Comment by Jim on February 28, 2010 at 6:00am
18 years is a long life for a dog, but I'm sure it made her departure all the more difficult for you and Deb. And I'm certain that the two of you gave her tons of love and fun experiences while she was with you. My condolences to you both, and to all good friends of Tasha.


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