Scientists have developed the world's most environmentally friendly race car, capable of reaching speeds of up to 160mph despite running on chocolate.
Scientists used potatoes and carrots to create the racing car
The car, known as WorldFirstF3, has a steering wheel made partly from carrots, mirrors from potato starch, seats from soybean oil foam, and brake pads from ground cashew nut shells.
Despite boasting the greenest of credentials, its makers at Warwick…
Added by jinboy on May 14, 2009 at 12:27am —
..because I can't link Facebook properly for some reason.
Nitpicky Trekkies. Yeah I said it, Trekkies. A term to describe over-obsessive freaks with little to no life. If you don't like it, feel free to take it up with the guys dressed up as Cardassians at the next con. That should be the definition of a sympathetic audience.
A group of people can suspend belief for faster-than-light travel,…
Added by OmegaSquad on May 12, 2009 at 11:53pm —
There was an interesting article in Salon today. -->
but it's kind of long so for your convenience I'm going to summarize/paraphrase...for those who care.
Let's cut Social Security to pay for banker bailouts! by Michael Lind
You are about to be hit by… Continue
Added by SydTheSkeptic on May 12, 2009 at 3:00pm —
The company I work for is a special brand of awesome. They take good care of you and take steps to re-assure you about things ahead of time. Take, for example, the opening paragraph of this email that was sent to coaches in the UK who will be coming out to the USA for summer work;
Dear coach,
I know from listening daily to BBC Radio and from what I see of the internet the British Media are doing their best to sensationalize the present swine flu outbreak. They… Continue
Added by spacemonkey1310 on May 11, 2009 at 11:46am —
hai ark maniacs
it is 4am as of this moment and for some strange reason i just changed my clothes and am going for a walk. I have no idea why but for some reason I just had the sudden urge to go walk for a bit so I will continue this blog after I come back.............
some time later.......
K back at 4:37
interestingly no special epiphany although i now realise how dull the streets are at 4 in the morning
that said I oddly saw a dog but the odd…
Added by jinboy on May 10, 2009 at 11:47pm —
On May 9th at aprox 3 pm, my mother-in-law passed away quietly in her sleep with my father-in-law sitting by her side. In the last hours of her life, the nurses aid came in a gave her a sponge bath, rubbed her down with lotion and even fixed her hair, giving her the dignity she deserved in her passing. My father in law sat quietly by her bed saying his prayers, after which, he leaned forward and told her it was ok to go... she passed 15 minutes later.. I know that she was waiting for him to be…
Added by JustDee on May 10, 2009 at 3:18am —
Added by BlancheNoE on May 9, 2009 at 8:44pm —
I just want to make an appearance
Added by Dreamcatcher on May 9, 2009 at 12:05pm —
So yeah, hi. Sup? Katy Perry has a wonderful song that describes a situation in my life right now. I wanted to share her lyrics with you guys. If you haven't heard the song I say look it up. It's a good one. The name is "Thinking of You".
Thinking of You
Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
Added by kateybella on May 9, 2009 at 12:23am —
No Comments
Greeting, Arkies. Or Arkanesians? Arkanum?
Oh yes. The button on the top that says Arkians...
Whatever. The wayward tyrant returns. Or at least passes by. I hope all is well with you all. I remain firmly encased in the grip of ...well stuff. Boring, not very interesting stuff. Much like any video I've ever made.
Just wanted to say hi. May try to get back into some videomaking this summer, provided my corporate overlords spare me some free…
Added by OmegaSquad on May 8, 2009 at 11:00pm —
It's what's for dinner tonight....that is all.
Added by Mango8260 on April 30, 2009 at 6:42pm —
Are you afraid to die?
Or are you just afraid to live?
Or could it be like most people, that both are somewhat true.
Added by Smokescreen on April 30, 2009 at 5:08pm —
My mother in law has been in the hospital now for almost 2 months. She is almost 85 and has smoked for most of her life. She has emphysema and has had a pace maker for the last 15 years, she is also on blood thinneres. She went into the hospital because she pretty much stopped eating, maybe a couple of ounces of food each day, but it through her meds off, well, the cumaden causing her blood to thin to much and pool around her heart.
So she wound up having some kind of surgical…
Added by JustDee on April 30, 2009 at 2:30am —
OK now I've done three missions and can't publish my frickin photos to the web.
Pissin' me off now.
Doing the missions is fun though : )
Added by spacemonkey1310 on April 29, 2009 at 1:35pm —
I come from a family of many cousins, Aunts and Uncles. Made for wonderful family gatherings during the holidays. Great memories. Recently the realization of how my family is shrinking is hitting me hard. Of 9 Uncles, one remains..and I last saw him at my Dad's funeral, 13 years ago.
For some reason I'm thinking of my Uncle Arthur tonight. We called him Uncle Artie. He passed away many years ago. He had a wonderful laugh..his whole body shook and his shoulders would bounce up and…
Added by photo2010 on April 29, 2009 at 2:57am —
an old blog but still im doing it
A crazy thought
i was sitting down today in of all places the toilet (best place to think i feel)
and a thought popped into my head
why are some humans destructive
destructive as in there only answer to a porblem is to blow the living hell out of it
and I was wondering were this destructive mind set comes from
and i got to thinking alot of destructive things have been going on lately
like the hurracaines and…
Added by jinboy on April 28, 2009 at 6:54pm —
1 Comment
Added by PrincessEricasWorld on April 28, 2009 at 5:32pm —
Last week I went to a cool open mic night. It was different from the ones I've done in the UK. Back home they were always in pubs not coffee shops and they were always musicians performing.
This one had storytellers, poets, harmony singers and musicians ranging from steel guitar slide blues players to autoharp crooners via garage band buddies.
And in the middle, me. Bringing on the misery as only I can lol.
Still it did help me meet some new muso types. One…
Added by spacemonkey1310 on April 28, 2009 at 1:34pm —
I have to wonder whether blowing almost all of my savings on an awesome guitar is the best course of action?!
So far I've resisted the urge but....I'm..worried...I might be..losing...the............fight.
Added by spacemonkey1310 on April 27, 2009 at 3:51pm —
I'm RSS-subbed to a blog called
WorldMegan. Megan is the most upbeat go-getter I've ever encountered on these here Internets; her writing is fresh, interesting, and inspiring. She's only in her late 20's but her words and, most importantly, her actions belie her years. It's the life I've noticed she lives that makes the strongest argument for me to keep myself tuned to Megan's frequency.
I found her…
Added by SydTheSkeptic on April 27, 2009 at 3:30am —