The Ark

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The final Dear Diary

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ThatGirl commented on ThatGirl's photo

I WILL be the next Luigi... maybe call us Luigi and Louisa . the Italians with the balls to fight back

"Private Insurance CIGNA after Progressive Insurance made a deal with the together to sanction suing the victim for the money they Owe both myself and hospitals for medical care they insured the UNinsurable for... MY insurance company is contracted…"
Jan 29
Mango8260 commented on Trimaddog's blog post No Title
"I'm really needing to see your faces guys- Tiktok was just banned and I lost another community- could we rekindle this old relic? Mango8260"
Jan 19
Mango8260 posted a status
"I am on RedNote as of today! Bye Bye Tiktok"
Jan 19
Trimaddog commented on ThatGirl's blog post Embry Riddle Finals Week Mass shooting ---Averted (4AM prep, apprehended 935AM)
"Wow! This was heavy reading. Guns are such a danger. A basic lack of regulation, and enforcement of the laws that do exist. Too many loop holes. Registration, licenses, insurance, education, all required to drive a car, and no-one complains about…"
Jan 4, 2024
Trimaddog commented on Trimaddog's video

My 1894 Lion Banjo

"Thanks! I enjoy playing and working this old banjos and realize that my hands are just the current hands that appreciate the instrument. I love researching and finding what I can about each instrument. Occasionally there are clues that take me all…"
Jan 4, 2024
NatureJunkie commented on Trimaddog's video

My 1894 Lion Banjo

"That instrument is really beautiful. I realize in watching your video that I've seen "scalloped" fret boards before, but I didn't know the scalloping was a deliberate innovation--I just assumed that the wood had been worn down…"
Oct 28, 2023
Trimaddog posted a video

My 1894 Lion Banjo

I have had the pleasure to own an 1894 Lion banjo made by the Lion Banjo Manufacturing Company of Rock Rapids, Iowa for several years now and have unexpected...
Aug 14, 2023
Trimaddog commented on Trimaddog's blog post No Title
"Definitely post that banjo string video and hopefully I can help you out. Yes, the ARK is a part of my history as well, but I’m always creating more history with every day that I’m given to wake up and get out of bed!    Now I…"
Jun 15, 2023
NatureJunkie commented on Trimaddog's blog post No Title
"Hello Willie. I apologize that I have not visited the Ark in several weeks and therefore missed the posting of your blog in a timely way. I think of the Ark very often, actually, and when I do, I always think, "I gotta make a video about my…"
Jun 14, 2023
Trimaddog commented on Trimaddog's blog post No Title
"I didn’t hit the hay till after 3 am myself the other night! Yes, it has been a crazy last few years... not just you, though the different environments we all occupy can vary the amounts of crazy! Your boys must all be grown up by now! Time…"
May 28, 2023
Trimaddog posted a blog post

My first blog... just because it seems that no one has been here in around a year, so chances are no one will see it for quite a while anyway. I have popped in a couple of times just to see if there …

My first blog... just because it seems that no one has been here in around a year, so chances are no one will see it for quite a while anyway. I have popped in a couple of times just to see if there was anything new to see, hear or read, but all seems quiet on the Arkian Sea. The years have surely flown by since the days of LiveVideo and it sure is good to still be waking up each morning and wondering what exciting things may happen that will leave me in a state of open mouthed awe! My life has…See More
May 10, 2023
Trimaddog commented on Chig's blog post The Day BlancheNoE saved the Ark from a slow decomission and she did not even know about it.
"Let me know if you need any $$assistance as well. I can help some! I do not visit often enough and I probably need to post more, but I appreciate being able to pop in and at least some of the old LV crew. peace and love to all, especially our…"
Feb 3, 2023
ThatGirl posted a status
"oh baby, lets get in a cold black car with cold leather seats and go somewhere to heat it up til you burn your hands-Writing on FridayEve"
Dec 17, 2022
NatureJunkie commented on Chig's blog post The Day BlancheNoE saved the Ark from a slow decomission and she did not even know about it.
"Chig, like Blanche, I will also happily throw some cash your way. I'm grateful for all the years you've been keeping this little boat afloat. Also, I'd love to have my old ning Ark videos, and even though you've offered to…"
Dec 9, 2022
BlancheNoE commented on Chig's blog post The Day BlancheNoE saved the Ark from a slow decomission and she did not even know about it.
"Oh Captain, my Captain. Love you man, hope you are well, Covid ate my health, all extra time is in doc offices or recovery of some kind, still happy, got my Pen,family, friends and memories. I support you in whatever you need to do. Wish I had a…"
Nov 17, 2022
Chig posted a blog post

The Day BlancheNoE saved the Ark from a slow decomission and she did not even know about it.

I figure this probably won't be seen by anyone... unless I push it out through the mail system... but I was thinking about in a year period no longer paying for the Ark.  It seems that some folks have moved on, some folks are not getting along, some folks grew up, and some folks are smarter than the guy keeping a candle lit. My plan was to send out notification to everyone that the Ark has a  year,  I've actually been practicing with AI software to convert and upscale old videos to modern…See More
Nov 16, 2022
ThatGirl posted a status
"WHO bought the domain name and is proposing this? lowres graphics"
Nov 16, 2022
ThatGirl posted a status
"Goodbye Sheltering Arms Rehab-First day home. cervical spine surgery being pushed on me, if i cant move my own head in PT...everything Xd"
Nov 5, 2022
ThatGirl posted a status
"stinking drunk minister came to bedside to ask if I want him to pray. I said I was nearly killed by DUI driver-he was silent. bye now"
Oct 1, 2022
ThatGirl posted a status
"1st game won in ot w/1second left,2nd game D3 live here"
Sep 9, 2022

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    Blog Posts

    Stories For An Apacolypse 2

    Posted by BlancheNoE on November 11, 2020 at 6:00pm 1 Comment

    Stories for an Apacolypse

    Posted by BlancheNoE on May 17, 2020 at 8:00am 2 Comments

    Don't F with My Freedom

    Posted by ThatGirl on July 4, 2019 at 5:30pm 2 Comments

    Cheaterific Files - The Ninja

    Posted by ThatGirl on July 1, 2019 at 12:30pm 0 Comments


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