Pen and I finally got around to watching "The Watchmen", a movie about 'sort of' super heroes in an alternate earth reality. When it came to the part where a character named Rorschach is unmasked, I turned to Pen and said " Hey ! I think that's Kelly from the original Bad News Bears ! ".
I then became re-absorbed in the movie and forgot about it.
This morning while I was getting ready for work, I yelled to Pen from the bathroom, " Hey Honey, could you please google the original Bad… Continue
For the past 25 years, although I have always worked outside of my home, my main job has been to raise my daughters and run my home. I have not always been happy to be called a housewife or even a homemaker, but nowadays, a part of me wishes I could go back to those days with the knowledge and experience I now have.
I think I would appreciate my daughters so much more. I would appreciate every hug, every kiss. I would look forward to 4 pm when they got off the bus and we had to start… Continue
I received my phone bill a couple of days ago and noticed a 12% increase. Being that I'm always curious about how these things happen, I called my AT&T customer service representative.
"Well,.." he said, " give me a minute here so I can figure it out."
"Take your time." I said, knowing exactly what was going on from the information on the bill I held in my hand.
" It looks like your service price was increased by 6% " he said.
"Yes, I know" I said, ",..and what about the… Continue
so this is an image from a cellphone, so its not the best. Baby was kept for 2 extra days in the hospital due to jaundice, but is home now and is keeping mom pretty busy. Mom is a little worse for wear but its not anything that any new mom hasn't gone through.
Our application was accepted months ago. We're partial to German Shepherds, so I've been checking the German Shepherd Rescue website every day--not really sure what I was looking for.
Until yesterday. I saw the new photo and knew she was "the one." I was first in line at 11:00 when they opened. Soon 2-year old Lola and I were cruising down I-10. She was curled up sound asleep in the back within moments.
We brought her home, cleaned her up and introduced her to the other… Continue
I simply will not tolerate this! How dare you! I will not have my social misanthropic persona penetrated like a wayward Catholic school girl. You Madam take great risk in addressing a man of my station like two inebriates at last call. Best you find your place girl before someone puts you in it. The world is not all Cheeto's, and cheap beer girl. I would wager your Hope chest contains nothing more than vulgar Cd's and concert tee shirts, in all the latest wife beater styles. I am very riled… Continue
A while back I made a video called "The Early Bird catches the Worm Redux". Ken (rivrvlogr) had made a poem that inspired me somewhat to add a little something here and there. Flophousepoodle suggested I should make more of these - as she called them - sabovlogs. I think it's not a bad idea.
So if sometime in the future one of your videos provides additional inspiration (aside from being spectacular on their own ;-) ) I might pick up on them like this:…
There's a sweet person named Gina who works for LiveVideo. She has been there a long time. She had a live room today, and the topic was making LV better. She said they want to improve the place and bring people back. i said the people who left don't like the 18+ area, and they also expect to get support from the management. A lot of people agreed, especially about the porn. She asked about Caveman specifically and said they would put his pages back up if he wanted to come baxk. Anyone seen… Continue
Reighlan Malin was born on August 5th, 2009
She weighs 7 lbs 12 ozs and is 20 1/2" long
She has a full head of dark hair, eyes like her mom and is very curious about the world (also like her mom) According to my daughter, she looks a lot like her dad (except for her eyes) including having his hands...
My daughter, Aley had a pretty easy time of it, surprising for her first child, but epidurals will do that for you.
I don't have any pictures yet, but when I do, I… Continue
Aside from quitting, there isn't much you can do to fight back against a bad boss. But sometimes the devil slips on a banana peel, and when such karma happens, why not enjoy it?
Fifteen years ago I was employed by a tyrant in a little hellhole custom photo lab. The owner, Greg, was a (self-described) commercial photographer whose lab printed his own work in addition to taking outside orders. Greg was slow thinking, petty, racist, and mean. He cheated his clients and his… Continue
Tomorrow morning I am leaving on vacation for a week. So what happens? Today I wake up sick with a swollen and sore throat.
Hoping to salvage what I can of my desperately needed break away from school and work, I rushed off to Urgent Care first thing this morning for a magical cure. Instead of re-claimed life, I was slapped in the face with "you've got a virus that is just going to have to run its course" and, because the doctor felt bad for me, I was handed a prescription for… Continue
I always play the "Day You Were Born" video for my kids on their birthday, which is tomorrow (their 14th), and we laugh about what screamers they were, how unrecognizable I was, and we all go "Awwwwwwww" when the scenes of 4-yr old Eric holding them and expertly feeding them a bottle and/or locating the pacifier flash on the screen.
Yes, I had them when I was 12 :-)
It's on one of those full-size VHS cassettes and I keep a VCR solely for the purpose of watching this annual… Continue
A lot, I guess. I haven't been in hiding, I wasn't actually locked in Victor1st's closet this whole time, and I didn't die of boredom/frustration/starvation while on hold on the phone for 782 days with Suddenlink (although it was close). I've actually been semi-productive with my life. Except for this morning, which I admit is still being spent in my pajamas at 11am. But we won't count that.
I re-joined college life around the same… Continue
Okay so I got a speeding ticket. No big deal right? Well then you don't know me very well. I have to make it a big deal. Because that's what I like to do. Make things a big deal, and I wasn't disappointed with this.
So I have my ticket in hand and call the court. I find out the fine is $170 dollars. "Well I wasn't speeding" I say, "I would like to fight the ticket".
"Sure" says the clerk "just show up at the courthouse on the date printed on the back of the ticket".
Fine. So I… Continue
So.. today is my birthday and I am sitting here at almost 2:30 in the morning contemplating my life...
Actually, I seem to do that every night so really this has nothing to do with my birthday...
So I am 46 today, that is almost 50. In dog years I am 322. Wow.. almost 50, when I was a teen ager, I thought 63 was as old as I would ever get, that gives me another 17 years of life..LOL.
Can you imagine? I actually thought 63 was like OLD. What a laugh that is now.… Continue