The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Virus is Loading ████████______ 75%

Tomorrow morning I am leaving on vacation for a week. So what happens? Today I wake up sick with a swollen and sore throat.

Hoping to salvage what I can of my desperately needed break away from school and work, I rushed off to Urgent Care first thing this morning for a magical cure. Instead of re-claimed life, I was slapped in the face with "you've got a virus that is just going to have to run its course" and, because the doctor felt bad for me, I was handed a prescription for antibiotics for the road in case things get worse while I'm gone.

So I'll be heading out 2,000 miles from home with a virus in tow. Do I need to buy it a plane ticket? *sigh* And before you ask, I'm not oinking or growing a curly tail. Nope... the Aporkalypse has not claimed me.

In other news, I randomly uploaded an old video on LiveVideo a few days ago (which, might I add, took a grand total of TWO DAYS to encode). The same day it became available, it was featured. Woo hoo, right? Well if you call getting 57 views something to celebrate, then toss that confetti.

I guess the Old Gray Mare, she ain't what she used to be... (*eyeballing LV, not myself*).

In other, other news, or well, getting back to the first item of business, I'm decidedly treating my virus with coffee and chocolate chip cookies. It is an experimental procedure.

I'm remaining hopeful, and unsubscribing to Murphy and his nonsense laws.


Views: 10

Comment by photo2010 on August 5, 2009 at 3:00pm
Sorry you got sick, expecially at vacation time. ;( When I took vacations, once upon a time, it seems like my body always took that moment to say, "ahh, we don't have to fight the good fight anymore, we're gonna go on vacation too!" Holidays and vacations, never failed. You might want to add chicken soup to the choc chip regimen.
Comment by NatureJunkie on August 5, 2009 at 3:41pm
I'm glad you loaded a video on LV, even if it's an old one. That place seems like it's trying to revive itself. I don't mind giving it a little boost, so I'll go check out your feature.

Other people will be barraging you with helpful advice about beating a virus, so I will just say get well soon.
Comment by Pypermarru1 on August 5, 2009 at 4:32pm
My ability to be funny is hard enough when I'm not sick. The fact that you are sick and still able to write a blog that made me laugh....You go girl.
Hope you enjoy vacation.
Comment by LtAdams2247 on August 6, 2009 at 7:53am
You don't unsubscribe to Murphy, Murphy unsubscribes to you. And he will do so in the least opportune moment ;-)
Comment by Jim on August 7, 2009 at 5:31am
Aporkalypse, haha, love it!

(Don't forget the Ibuprofen.)
Comment by Kat.Ballou on August 7, 2009 at 11:07am
I woke up with a swollen throat today! Quit spittin your mucous through my internets :-O
I love your writing


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