Whatever floats your boat...
Walking my dogs early last evening, I saw what at first looked like a helicopter with a search light, except that it was so very high in the sky its beam was nowhere near touching anything at ground level. The "beam" began to wobble a bit, then it traveled for quite a way in a straight, direct line in a northerly direction. It began to glow whiter and larger and then a cone of light began to trail behind it.
Cool, I thought, a comet! But if it was, this was the largest comet…
ContinueAdded by NatureJunkie on November 8, 2015 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments
Added by NatureJunkie on November 2, 2015 at 4:07am — 3 Comments
Or, I guess I should say Thank your wife for me. :) .... For introducing me to my latest obsession:
(**Volume warning. This video may start off loud!**)…
ContinueAdded by MOTC on October 29, 2015 at 6:31pm — 3 Comments
Con Man Indiegogo Campaign from…
ContinueAdded by Chig on September 28, 2015 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
No kidding. That was one of those teaser stories that popped up when I closed my Yahoo email tonight. They must use templates for those stories and just plug in the variables:
[Number here] ways you can [insert something desirable here].
[Number here] shocking facts you never knew about [insert name of celebrity, disease, a sexual practice, or your favorite food].
[Number here] things you should NEVER do if [you have a…
ContinueAdded by NatureJunkie on August 21, 2015 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments
I just stumbled across that Felix Baumgartner doesn't hold the record for highest free fall anymore.
Score one for the Amerian nerds. Sorry Austrian athletes.
Added by Chig on July 4, 2015 at 12:16pm — 4 Comments
Article has link to petition at bottom: http://www.anh-usa.org/vitamin-b6-p5p/
If you care to keep natural remedies available legally in the United States, you could help.
P5P (B6) is something I take as a renal protective measure to slow the progression of my kidney disease. It's an essential vitamin that has no reason to be pulled from the market in only the US by the FDA.…
ContinueAdded by ThatGirl on June 25, 2015 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments
... I thought I would give y'all some extra time to pull the vids together.
Imagine that there is a video playing at your funeral or wake in the future. You edit it. How would you edit or want to be remembered?
Added by Chig on May 26, 2015 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments
Send Jose some love if you are on youtube....
Never heard this combination before.... pretty cool.
Added by Chig on April 28, 2015 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments
In my lifelong effort to try not to be a sucky human being, I do my best not to be judgy, but sometimes I can't escape the prejudice that a lifetime of overwork and doing without has instilled in me.
Such was my internal battle yesterday. I work at a university. Part of my job is determining whether students have met their requirements. A student approached me who wanted me to evaluate some courses he plans to take at a university abroad next year, in either Amsterdam or…
ContinueAdded by NatureJunkie on April 8, 2015 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments
As you might have heard, Leonard Nimoy shot out of earth's orbit today leaving our little rock less fascinating.
I'm grateful to have been alive while he was spreading his particular brand of intellectual acting-genius.
I marveled at the characters that seemed to be written just for him when in actuality it was he himself who made those characters his own. He inspired me to learn balance between my emotions and logic and he was a total fox right up until the day he stepped off…
ContinueAdded by BlancheNoE on February 27, 2015 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments
I was working for days and needed some new tunes to help get through the hours, when I grew a liking to the trippy digital orchestra on this one.
The contrast between hearing the song and seeing the music video was whoa!
it tripped me the feck OUT..and I liked it!
Okay MOTC< I got my hands back on computers,…
ContinueMy step-mom died @ 1:30 am this morning. We had our differences over the years but there were times when we were actually very good friends. Even when we weren't the best of friends we never lied to each other, not even little white ones, and I always appreciated that aspect of our relationship. I was with my 4 sisters last night until 10:00pm, in the facility where my step-mom was in hospice and many stories were told. I want to share the story of her dog.
My step-mom's name was…
ContinueAdded by BlancheNoE on January 10, 2015 at 8:44am — 7 Comments
So I picked this month's theme as the One-Minute New Year. Mostly due to how this will give me an out to only have to make a very short video. And only watch very short videos.
The concept is simple - and flexible. All you have to do is make a video in any style of one minute (or less) that involves one of the following:
- A full recap of your 2014 in one minute
- A one minute highlight of one event you enjoyed/hated/loved/dreaded/etc in 2014
ContinueAdded by MOTC on January 8, 2015 at 2:07am — 4 Comments
Mine is to ignore critiques of movies.
We watched Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger last night and found it to be brilliant on nearly all known levels.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1210819/ ;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lone_Ranger_(2013_film) (click on 2013 film from within this link)
There's a lot of "Little Big Man" in…
ContinueAdded by BlancheNoE on January 1, 2015 at 11:30am — 7 Comments
Sorry to be scarce as of late. Lots of things happening on my end.
Anyhow, I can't quite speak on this at the moment but I lost one of my furry children today.
Sophia Pia, always a comfort and always greeted me insisting on a kiss when I came home. …
ContinueAdded by Chig on December 19, 2014 at 4:00pm — 8 Comments
I just mainlined Jimmy Kimmel’s Mean Tweets and I’m feeling thankful for having done so and I wanted to organize them here to share with you so you can do the same. You can’t eat just one.
The best one I ever got, which was actually a Mean Comment dropped at LiveVideo, was something about me fucking my brother and then some ponderings on my personal hygiene and what my genitals probably smelled like.
Do you remember yours…
ContinueAdded by BlancheNoE on November 22, 2014 at 9:37am — 13 Comments
(I'm sharing some private moments here so PASSWORD = "ebola" to view )
What Really Happens in a Zombie Apocalypse from Feelie McFeelz on Vimeo.
Added by ThatGirl on November 16, 2014 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments
Hello active Arkians.
I have a question for you. Is there a case that can be made to make this a private site?
I'm interested in your ideas on this. Would it change what you post here or the frequency if we did, indeed, put a lid on here?
Or can you make a case to keep it open to the public? It's not like we do anything to actively expand our membership or the view counts. Should we?
I tend to think of us a site where creative video-hobbyists can share their…
ContinueAdded by SydTheSkeptic on November 12, 2014 at 12:01am — 16 Comments
Should I be worried that Dogmom likes this? Every song is a blood bath.
Sure its catchy...
Going back to listening to Damien Rice now.
Added by Chig on November 11, 2014 at 11:53am — 11 Comments
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