The Ark

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What Really Happens In a Zombie Apocalypse

(I'm sharing some private moments here so  PASSWORD = "ebola" to view  )

What Really Happens in a Zombie Apocalypse from Feelie McFeelz on Vimeo.

What Really Happens in a Zombie Apocalypse from Feelie McFeelz on Vimeo.

I asked a question of "Anonymous" while he was in character and the local Ebola scare was FRESH. We do several characters around here.  He was going for about an hour on a few philosophically similar rants  before I could capture any of it.  I was already IN bed and he kept going on a NEW topic, so I was able to "record" from under the covers. 

PURE Wisdom is contained within (Warning - lots of foul language in this character)

When things are REALLY bleak- it could always be Worse.

Just picture a very old, yet very passionate man from the Northeast or the Southern YOU-nited States, and you can fill in the blanks on this character. Or Maybe Steven from Django....



*this was captured in the dark and the video portion is useless

Views: 228

Comment by LtAdams2247 on November 18, 2014 at 11:04am

Best. Rant. Ever.

It's an analogy, woman, you want me to use a hose instead? FINE!

Comment by ThatGirl on November 19, 2014 at 9:14am

Anonymous is like a mirror. I love him like a fat kid loves Chocolate.

*As this was all happening, I thought of you at least a dozen times.

Comment by BlancheNoE on November 22, 2014 at 8:31am

ARRRRgh. Won't play for me. And I like anonymouses, even more than hippononymouses. I'll try again later.

Comment by ThatGirl on November 22, 2014 at 1:10pm

@ Blanchie  - Try Again..i opened it to public until you get to see/listen/LOL.....

If you don't laugh, tell me how many weeks of laundry I can do for ya. May as well, i have the hands of 100 year old woman probs!

Comment by BlancheNoE on November 22, 2014 at 4:20pm

I told my son the same thing about zombies as I did about a nuclear explosion. Just run towards it.

Less suffering.

Comment by ThatGirl on December 31, 2014 at 2:04pm

@Amy - TRU DAT


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