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Hillary Blaze cousin(late Santo Napoli)NEXT album

I remember there was a BEatles joke around the studio. joe paul sandy and jimmy..where's Ringo?

I remember this one! Very RUSH like, the WHO. and with his Bowie type sound, it was mindblowing SciFi…


Added by ThatGirl on November 14, 2018 at 3:00am — 5 Comments

Island Life and Broken Hearts on the Mend

Hello Arkians and greatly missed friends.

Much has happened in the last bit, heh? For those of you that haven't heard, Mr. Scribbler and I were hit by a drunk driver on May 28, 2016. My beloved and best friend did not survive the accident and I have spent the last 2 years. 2 months and 3 weeks figuring out the rest of my life and healing; both physically and emotionally.

I'll spare you the details and tell you what's going on at the moment. I have become quite the scuba diver…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on August 20, 2018 at 8:23am — 5 Comments

Happy 4th of July to the American Ark members.

Please remember to be sensitive to those in other countries who may not celebrate the American holiday.

Thank you,

The management.…


Added by Chig on July 4, 2018 at 1:19pm — No Comments

First World Problems

                                                                     First World Problems

                                                                                           - BlancheNoE

   I’m here to talk about a very serious medical issue that effects thousands, possibly millions of married couples worldwide. I call it Jealous Colon. That’s right, I’m going to go there. I am of an age that I am allowed, if not expected to talk of such things.



Added by BlancheNoE on March 25, 2018 at 11:55am — 5 Comments

On mourning a public figure

It’s an odd thing to mourn the passing of a public figure. I’m not referring to the “saddened to learn of their passing” kind of sentiment, but the kicked-in-the-gut misery of grief that’s usually reserved for the loss of those we knew and loved. It seems somehow inappropriate to truly grieve for people we didn’t know—but knew of. There really isn’t a name for this variety of grief nor any social convention for comforting those experiencing it.

I’ve been deeply mourning the…


Added by NatureJunkie on January 1, 2018 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

What I Miss About Having a Dying Dog

1) Never worrying that spoiling him rotten with all of his favorite treats will be bad for him.

2) Having someone to eat up all the cheese, cookies and ice cream in the house so that I won’t be tempted by them.

3) Being able to say to him every morning, “I love waking up to your sweet, kind, beautiful face.” Because every extra morning with him was such a gift.

4) Having a…

Added by NatureJunkie on November 7, 2017 at 10:03pm — 6 Comments

Homeward Through the Haze

I live 70 miles south of where the fires are blazing in Sonoma County this week. Today I drove to a hillside a mile away from my house and took pictures of the air. The air quality is rated as dangerous. I will not take Buddy for a walk in it and he has cabin fever. I do too, now that I think of it.…


Added by NatureJunkie on October 13, 2017 at 10:35pm — 2 Comments

Paper Garden -my cousin Santo Napoli's Beatlesque Band

Related image

Rest In Peace Sandy.

Tracks available in a playlist now that some idiot reported the full album for copyright infringement.

He's 20 years older than I, so naturally I thought he was a rock god..I FOUND my cousin Sandy's Album I grew up listening to believing truly they were as special as The…


Added by ThatGirl on September 12, 2017 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

A suspended member is asking why they were suspended.

I think this was the same user from Vloggerheads named Phantom Vision, but I can't be sure.   If anyone has knowledge as to what lead to a suspension on the Ark, please message me.   It is a question asked to which I don't have an answer.



Added by Chig on September 10, 2017 at 10:09pm — 4 Comments

Got to keep on moving.

I sprained my knee last week, the knee that doesn’t have any cartilage in it anymore and that no longer completely bends or completely straightens out. Seriously, devastatingly crunched it, my leg folding like a jackknife as I fell straight down on it.
It’s been hard to walk since then. I conserve all my steps, saving up…

Added by NatureJunkie on July 4, 2017 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Crack epidemic of the 20-Teens

Completely, utterly, addictively, excruciatingly delicious.

Yeah, that's right. I bought the "share" size and didn't share with anyone. Get your own, people, get your own.

Added by NatureJunkie on May 28, 2017 at 11:10pm — 1 Comment

LOG IN.... Important.

Noticed that the default log in page is not secured. 

To log in secured, simply type HTTPS://  infront of the log in URL


Added by Chig on March 28, 2017 at 2:00am — 2 Comments


Buddy and I spent some time at the beach today. Cloudy, rainy, glorious. Take no minute for granted.

Added by NatureJunkie on March 27, 2017 at 2:30am — 5 Comments

The Man Who Helped Save the World, One Blanche at a Time

Dr. Thomas Starzl, the doctor who performed the first liver transplant and made great advancements in the treatment of organ rejection, died this weekend at the age of 90. I admit I had never heard of him before, but now that I have, I offer him a salute of thanks. His family stated that even with his monumental achievements in medicine, he should best be remembered as a teacher and a friend.

So thank you, my friend I never met, for saving my other friend, BlancheNoE. Good…


Added by NatureJunkie on March 6, 2017 at 4:33pm — 1 Comment

Bring on the Häagen-Dazs

Several years ago an elderly friend of mine told me that if she were ever to be diagnosed with a terminal illness, she was going to dump every food in her house and stock the freezer with her favorite food, Eskimo Pies.  I promised her that I and her daughters would cooperate. (Fortunately, her final illness was quick, no time to stock the freezer, which she said was okay, she was ready to go.)


About two and a half years ago, one month after I adopted my foster dog Buddy, I…


Added by NatureJunkie on February 12, 2017 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments

Ughh ...

Where's Syd with her "Fear" philosophy when you need her ?  

That is all ... 

Added by DoK on January 21, 2017 at 3:21am — 2 Comments


I am still seeing some issues with The Ark regarding permissions.   It would appear NIng is still buggy since migrating some of there server info.   So sorry guys.   You may notice that not logging into the Ark may get you a slightly different experience than being logged in.   This is not by Syd's  design, and I have not altered any permissions or setting from the way Syd set up the Ark. I promise you.

Let me know of any issues that really hinder your ability to share on this…


Added by Chig on December 28, 2016 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Real quick question.

Hi all.

We had a video and comments go missing recently.   Anyone know anything about it?   Just trying to determine if there are site issues in the code, or just some fat fingering.

Stay warm and toasty mis amigos.

Let's kick 2017 off with some new videos.   :-)

Added by Chig on December 27, 2016 at 11:42am — 2 Comments

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