Chig is a man of the people, including furry people. He's also cute,smart and he looks out for the little guy ! VOTE FOR CHIG !
We are back on line. We won't be able to make movies for a while but we are so very happy to have access to the interwebs in our own home. No more going to the library and waiting for our 1 hour of access.
It is amazing how big a part of our lives internet access has become. I can't count the times in the last 3 weeks that my husband and I were talking and… Continue
In the following weeks I am gonna share a few pre-LV movies I made here in Germany whenever I managed to get a crew together long enough to finish one. I usually didn't take any roles myself so that I could concentrate on the camera work and directing and all that.
So instead of going forward in skill and complexity of movie making as I usually do when uploading here, one can see where I'm coming from. No visual effects, no fancy soundtracks (those I made myself back in the day). And… Continue
A friend asked me yesterday for a list of my favorite artists and songs, which sent me to my excessive CD collection with notebook in hand. After I filled two pages of tiny notes and was about to start a third, I realized how MUCH info it was, and it got me wondering if it wouldn’t be impossible to edit it down to what my very favorite of all these songs were. I’ve never tried to force this issue before. Never needed to.
I didn't know how to begin narrowing that down. What're… Continue
If you could select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a truthful reply. Whom would you select, and what question would you ask?
I will start it off...
I would ask Jesus a question and the question I would ask him is, "Whose your daddy?"...
But seriously, one person from history and the question you would ask...
Check out Cat's new site, VidiVlogs. She's got some interesting folks there- very friendly.
If you feel you're up for a bit more engagement but you don't want to go to Vloggerheads for it, check her site- it's kind of neat.
She's got plans for it to be on a whole different server- off of Ning (kind of what Duncan's doing with Moar Video, but her's should be up and running in a… Continue
I have been wondering a lot about the role "choices" make in our lives. I mean, have we gotten to where we are by a series of deliberate choices or have circumstances dictated our lives? I didn't "choose" to be born and yet I was. I didn't "choose" who my parents were or if I would have brothers and sisters. I didn't "choose" in what order we would be born....I didn't choose to grow up the way I did. I did however choose to survive all of that. I did choose to move on from where my parents left… Continue
“It's as much fun to scare as to be scared.”
--Vincent Price
I was fortunate to be at a lecture by Vincent Price given at Yale many years ago.
First the animated film 'Vincent' directed by Tim Burton, narrated by Vincent Price,
was shown:
Afterwards, Mr. Price gave a short talk about his career. At the end of the talk, he invited audience
members to come up and get his autograph. He was swamped, and I swear this to be true:
in… Continue
, my husband and I go off skipping to the mall with gleeful anticipation to purchase the November issue of Playboy. Finally and rightfully, Marge Simpson graces the cover of the November issue. Alas, we are still no closer to determining whether Marge is, in fact, A natural blue.
Not even the slightest hint of pubes.
That is absolutely the last issue of Playboy I will buy this month.
P.S Happy Halloween.
P.P.S Our PC is down,...again (insert expletives here).
Soupy Sales was one of my favorite comedians growing up. His humor
appealed to all ages. He was probably most famous for getting pies
in the face and giving 'em:… Continue
My last video post was apparently too long to hold the attention of *some* viewers.
I like to make my friends happy,...even the problematic ones, which is why I have edited this special short version of The Vault, the music video, in the hopes that MOTC might be able to view it in it's entirety.
Nobodys there!
I mean, I dont know the people who are in the Bulletins anymore..
I felt like a total stranger..
I posted a bulletin saying hello and nobody did noticed that..
only one did I think..
the good old people that I know are gone I guess..
so what I did was I visited and watched some of my old videos..
man, I smiled..
memories of fun and laughter and coolness came flooding… Continue
K, I admit...I only found out there was a gift shop after SpaceMonkey sent me a...centaur.
But if you're wanting in on the action, just go to the profile page of whomever it is you'd like to gift and viola! There it is...a big message that demands you send this person a gift.
It's an eensie-weensie bit of what LiveVideo offered, even if it was the lamest feature there- second only to the ghost-town that was everyone's "Music… Continue
since june to well the present i have beeen texting random ramblings to my friends that have had generally favourable replies which is nice, its a part of me that i began on the internet and for along time kept solely on the internet, i did not feel the need to spread those words over into reality however i felt in order to express myself more i needed to share something i like doing and in random moments i simply start writing. I thought i'd post a few onto here for the fun of it really and to… Continue
Hey I've got to think of a song to sing at a Halloween party. It'll be karaoke most likely. The only thing is my costume should have some connection to the song in some way.
I've been drawing a blank on this for a while so I thought I'd ask you creative Arkian sorts. Any help greatly appreciated!