The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

January 2009 Blog Posts (87)

No Spam Allowed

The TOS, as it reads for the ARK, says "play nice".

I've changed it now to include NO SPAM.

Spam is anything that's meant to promote a commercial product.

If it happens twice, I'll remove the account.

Added by SydTheSkeptic on January 31, 2009 at 6:27pm — 8 Comments

lucy likes to lick limes

Have you had sex with more then 25 partn​ers?​


Do you think​ the last perso​n you kisse​d is nice?​


Have your frien​ds ever rando​mly stopp​ed by your house​?​


Is there​ any drink​ that you absol​utely​ MUST drink​ cold?​

most beverages. except beverages that are supposed to be hot.

Did you sleep​ in past noon today​?​

no. i had to be at work at 10.

Anyth​ing excit​ing happe​nd in the… Continue

Added by kateybella on January 30, 2009 at 10:18pm — 1 Comment

For funzies

I've decide im going to take notes from my american history class in this blog. btw my teacher looks and sounds like joan's slightly annoying.

I've actually decided not to take notes in this class as I plan to drop it soon. I am not the greatest role model college-wise. I just can't take a teacher whose voice sounds the equivalent of nails scraping on a board.


William Bradford, Massachusetts common wealth--puritan… Continue

Added by kateybella on January 29, 2009 at 11:16am — 2 Comments

So I guess.....

that someone will post my birthday collab video tomorrow since it didn't go up on my actual birthday :-)

Seriously. I'm now officially waaaaaay closer to 50 than 40 now. I don't think I like this very much!

Added by JustAnotherUserName on January 28, 2009 at 11:24pm — 5 Comments

The Online Filter or Seeing Beyond the Smoke

One of my earliest memories is of my Mom chasing me through the house trying to get me to take my medicine. I had Bronchitis and had to take this syrup stuff that was orange flavored and I hated it. To this day I cannot drink Orange Crush because it tastes like that medicine. I had Bronchitis at least once a year from the time I was two until I was 20. Bronchitis makes breathing very difficult. It feels like there is an elephant standing on your chest. There is much coughing and phlegm (I hate… Continue

Added by JoAnn on January 27, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

I'm going to be a grandma..... and other things happening in my life

Please bear with me this week, life is about to change drastically.

OK so, here I am, I'm 45 years old and my oldest daughter recently shared with us that she is going to be having a baby in August. She is 23 and engaged and has a 4 year old step son. All she has ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. Although she is one of the brightest people I have ever known, she never wanted to have a fancy job or to change the world, her ambition was to raise her family to the best of her… Continue

Added by JustDee on January 27, 2009 at 3:47pm — 9 Comments

The neighbor from the Black Lagoon.

How many of you have neighbors who make Eva Braun look like Sister Theresa's kinder sibling? Well, we are the lucky winners of such a neighbor! The first sign was when my Mother made her some delicious home made food and brought it over to her. (We live in a high-rise condo building and our door is next to this woman's). We had just moved here and my Mom thought it was a nice gesture. The woman yelled at my Mother that she had company and sent her away! Later, her son, who was visiting her and… Continue

Added by photo2010 on January 27, 2009 at 2:18pm — 3 Comments

The Walmart sub culture

Today my sister sent me a link:

She sent it to me because I work for Walmart. I work in the fabric and craft department. I hate working for Walmart, I have not been able to put my finger on why, but I do.

I have worked for the last 20 some years in retail management and more recently as an executive assistant for a promotional company. However, with our recent move from NY to TN and the loss of so many… Continue

Added by JustDee on January 27, 2009 at 1:01pm — 6 Comments

Same Scene, Different Actors, Different Act

Supposedly today is blog about New Orleans Theatre Day. Well, here are some of my thoughts....yes, an actual blog instead of a survey.

I've always been one to live more of a slightly fantasized, dramatic life. I've never wanted life any other way. I did my first "play" in kindergarten. Sort of. I say sort of because I was the "director" and an "actor:" in the "play". I remember asking my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Marsha, if she'd let us do a play for her. She said yes. It wasn't… Continue

Added by kateybella on January 27, 2009 at 11:40am — 1 Comment

Bloody Monday

In one day, 65000 jobs evaporated on this planet. In ONE day. Hell, when Harley Davidson loses 1000 jobs, it's pretty much the apocalypse.

I am thankful to still be working. My list of complaints with what I do and how I do it have fallen away again, even though I know those will rear their ugly heads at some future point.

I figured it was so bad that with my own personal financial sludge pile, the economy, a bad and worsening shoulder, and global weirdness, I just… Continue

Added by gabrielized on January 27, 2009 at 6:54am — 6 Comments

So Yeah.............

Have you ever had the feeling that you want to tell someone something but you can't because it would be totally inappropriate, But if you don't it would be like you missed the chance to make an awesome change in your life.

Its said that a guy and a girl can not be friends with each other and im sort of understanding that concept which is really bugging me. What if the attraction is only one way and by me being around it hurts this person what the hell am i suppose to do.

I… Continue

Added by jinboy on January 27, 2009 at 2:36am — 2 Comments

Made the Long Beach Press Telegram!

The place I work at was mentioned in the Long Beach Press Telegram on Sunday, January 25th. Guess I better get that whip and practice some more!

What's Hot: Best breakfast contest has us waffling

By Tim Grobaty, Columnist

Posted: 01/25/2009 09:57:55 PM PST

ALMOST-BEST BREAKFASTS: As we write, the rain is pelleting at our window like thrown rice at a wedding. To paraphrase the poet Wallace Stevens, it is raining and it is going to rain. It puts us in… Continue

Added by Dunleavy on January 27, 2009 at 1:49am — 1 Comment

Figs Fight Fluffy Ferns Friday, Freddy.

I'm addicted to naming blogs after tongue twisters.


Are you Available?: for dancing? yes. i'll dance with you.

What is your Age?: 21


When is your Birthday?: October 22nd.


What's your favorite Candy?: no se'

What kind of Car do you have?: 02 ford focus

Who do you have a Crush on?: puff the magic dragon.


Do you Daydream?: eheh i did today..

What's your favorite kind of Dog?: the kind that goes to… Continue

Added by kateybella on January 27, 2009 at 12:08am — 1 Comment





Added by PrincessEricasWorld on January 26, 2009 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Know Thy Neighbor

As I watch videos online there are many times when I say to myself "Man, I wish that (insert vlogger name here) was my neighbor." There are so many people that I watch that I think are so smart, so funny, so thoughtful, or so artistic, that wouldn't it be great if they lived on my street and we could hang out and really get to know each other. But the truth is, if they were my neighbor, we would probably just see each other occasionally as we put out the trash cans or mow the lawn. We would say… Continue

Added by JoAnn on January 26, 2009 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Loneliness is an awful price to pay

In recent weeks, because of my own journey, I have begun to research the reasons behind loneliness. What I found out surprised me. I actually blogged about it last week but I took it down after a comment was left that hurt my feelings. This, in and of itself, proved to me how sensitive a subject this was for me.

I grew up in a family of 7, I had 2 brothers and 2 sisters (although my youngest sister was not born until I was 15). You would think that I was never lonely, but I was… Continue

Added by JustDee on January 26, 2009 at 8:55am — 2 Comments


The dreadful day had come..

Now is a complete BLOCKED site here in Dubai and the entirety of United Arab Emirates..

maybe our internet provider had had ENOUGH of the PORN in this site.

November of last year, they started to FILTER it, you cannot watch videos anymore...

It was like I was punched on the face leaving a blackeye..then bruises and soreness healed, I adjusted. I found ways so I can watch vids in there, ignoring what was on the live chats. but was… Continue

Added by ferdz ines on January 26, 2009 at 2:36am — 2 Comments

you yield yellow yams, yolanda.

What'​​s a rando​m fact about​ the last male who had their​ arms aroun​d you?

Emery is my cat...and he was trying to strangle me....or something. oh? the last human? we work together.

What do you curre​ntly hear right​ now?

usher- you remind me.

Where​ did you get the shirt​ you are weari​ng?​​

wet seal

What was the reaso​n you got groun​ded for last?​

i was too wild...bahaha me too wild? yeah... it happened... it's why i moved back from… Continue

Added by kateybella on January 26, 2009 at 12:28am — 2 Comments

An update on my "Happy Therapy"

It has been approx 4 days since I last blogged about my intention to live in laughter, I have since dubbed this my "Happy Therapy". I would like to share with you my observations from the last few days but before I go there, I should explain some other things also.

after my "laughter in the rain blog" I blogged about loneliness. It was, in my humble opinion a pretty good blog. "Why don't you see it?" you may ask, well, someone left a "not nice" comment on it and I let it bother me… Continue

Added by JustDee on January 25, 2009 at 11:04pm — 7 Comments

Write or wrong?

It's no fun reading about people's pain. Contrary to the belief of some, it's even LESS fun writing about ones' own pain. If anyone thinks I, or most people, would rather get attention from their pain than from ANY other human attribute, that person needs far more help than I do. Also, I am not apologizing for anything I write about. If someone doesn't like it, no one's forcing them to read it.

As far as what I achieve, even flat on my back, I have elicited the help of a Senator, who… Continue

Added by photo2010 on January 25, 2009 at 9:38pm — 11 Comments

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