The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

November 2008 Blog Posts (41)

LiveVideo Die-Hards...

I go back and forth, honestly, about whether I'm hurting LV's chances to thrive by having an ARK that displaces some of the creative energy away from there.

However, I don't see people closing up shop on LV just because the ARK is here (maybe two or three, for personal reasons) but as I see it, most of us ARKians have one whole foot in LV and the other roams about trying to get some footing. Many of us have even become more active on YouTube as it is- ironically, the only sure thing.… Continue

Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 29, 2008 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving:) Create custom animated gifs at!
Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo Mango xoxo

Added by Mango8260 on November 26, 2008 at 11:40am — 2 Comments

Your Mission, Should You Decide to Accept... to go harass BlancheNoE, Pendragon, MOTC, ElMiner, and whomever else are left among the LV die-hards until they get their friggin' arses over here!!!

Who's with me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


well, okay, I'm at school at the moment, but AS SOON AS I GET HOME....!!!

Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 24, 2008 at 5:28pm — 4 Comments

Is My Local Convenience StoreKeeper RACIST?

I went to this convenience store (which was few blocks away from my rented room) to buy something to eat after waking up with an angry stomach from a grueling night shift (patients running here and there not sleeping, shouting and all- to which I managed mano y mano mostly because I was the only male psychiatric nurse on duty)...

Going inside the store, I saw this Black man ( I think an expat from Africa) standing by the counter with his choosen goodies to pay and this storekkeeper I saw… Continue

Added by ferdz ines on November 23, 2008 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

JFK, 45 years on.

45 years ago today, JFK was assassinated. I was a kid in school when we

found out. I remember it like it just happened though. The first thought

I had was that the Russians were going to bomb us. A little girl in class started crying. They sent us home early. I went to my room and threw my school books on my bed angrily. The next few days we all watched events unfold on tv. LBJ taking the oath on the plane with Jackie Kennedy next to him, Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby. It was a… Continue

Added by photo2010 on November 22, 2008 at 7:54pm — 6 Comments

Hope for LIVEVIDEO??????

Check THIS out....(thank you CallMeHol)

text below...

Job Snapshot


Los Angeles, CA

Base Pay:

$60,000 - $110,000 /Year

Posted: 11/20/2008

Contact Information

Contact: Nitu Gulati-Pauly

Phone: 949.861.3434


Description This position is open as of 11/20/2008.

C# - - Software Engineer - Programmer -… Continue

Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 21, 2008 at 8:30pm — 5 Comments

Immigration Update....

David has received his 10-year green card! It took just over three years. Obviously we're thrilled. It's like this enormous weight has been lifted off our shoulders.

My friend, Debra, married a Polish guy a couple years ago. She's 14 years older than him but there's no doubt in my mind that they're a "real" couple. He's lovingly taken on her two children; one of them has severe autism. Unfortunately, Immigration didn't believe them and he was deported to Poland last week. The… Continue

Added by JustAnotherUserName on November 20, 2008 at 9:00am — 6 Comments

Hi. I'm your weather girl and have I got newssssssssss for you...

Recently my cousin started inviting me to shows of his new band, Versanova. I really would like to go to the shows, but the thought of it makes me kinda ill when I think about it. I used to be really involved with music (worked at a music venue, shot photos of bands, was a merch girl, even had my voice recorded on a band's CD and a song written about a conversation I had with a drummer of a band). Anyway, I had a bad bad bad HORRIBLY bad split with my musician friends--including my cousin. I'm… Continue

Added by kateybella on November 20, 2008 at 12:07am — 1 Comment

Birthday Card

Last Sunday was Mom's birthday.

Dad called and asked me to purchase a card for him to give to her.

It's great to hear his croaky voice getting clearer and stronger exactly one year after oral cancer treatment.

Prior to the disease he's been a man of few words. - I believe he's called me 5 times in my life.

But don't get me wrong - He's very pleasant and kind.

-So this is me in the store looking at "To my wife" birthday cards..

"To my beautiful… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 19, 2008 at 9:17pm — 3 Comments

The New Addition!

My son was born November 11th, 2008 at 3:02 pm
7 pounds 7 oz
Happy, healthy, content.
Now I just need to catch up on sleep!

Added by Alandria on November 18, 2008 at 11:03pm — 7 Comments

Exhibit A hole Poodlephobe Rant and how to say F you.

So last night was the closing reception/gala/auction extraordinaire at the dog art exhibit.

I wore the big name tag and my sensible suicide shoes.

I was chatting with a local legendary lady big fish when this super soap opera hair wasp man came up to speak with her.

He said

"I'm so and so and I work for 'Financial Giant"

to which she replied

"Oh! My son in law's with 'Other Financial Giant'. That's just greeaaaat. This is the artist who painted all these… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 16, 2008 at 9:30am — 10 Comments

Two Years Vloggin'- Here's Why


10. It's a worthwhile hobby (creative, expressive, thought-provoking, a vehicle for putting your thoughts together, etc.)

9. People go, but new people come (if you extend yourself, you widen that circle of positive people and the assholes increasingly become irrelevant)

8. It broadens your paradigm (if you open yourself up to new perspectives- not just stick with your own)

7. It creates an ongoing record of who you were-… Continue

Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 14, 2008 at 9:46pm — 3 Comments

Subject Line Conga...

This started as a challenge by NobodysChild over at LV

Find the most bizarre random "subject Lines" and post them as your greatest hits!

Here are mine:

Ning Nong's not letting me in

Kill Him

my cockatoo plucks my mustache hairs

An invitation for your dog

Glorious Goddess of Light

dude, I found your book

Worlds Most Unlucky Woman Holds Title Strong

Holy Shitzu, Chiggums!

...checking to see if you…

Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 14, 2008 at 9:39pm — No Comments

Email Subject Lines

Nobodyschild99 has a fun exercise in her blog. To make a list of your top ten personal favorite email subject lines.
Here's mine:

1. Final Insult
2. Hermaphrodites - real or imaginary?
3. Scottish Dickies on the Phone
4. Iran, Scranton
5. The Trilobites Need Your Loving Ears
6. Eccentric Ass
7. Chode
8. Other Chode
9. Artistic Friends are Pussies
10. Hairdo Fact

This is fun, try it!

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:21am — 1 Comment

The Wilde Gang and the BLonde Bond

My parents were both teachers at the same school that we attended.

Since they worked for 1 extra hour after the students left, we required supervision. - Especially in our younger years.

The woman who took the Job "baby sitting" us teachers' kids after school was named Mrs. Wilde. Her husband worked for British Aerospace and she was a librarian/recess aide at the school.

She was attractive. She was vocal about her general dislike of children. (She and and Mr. Wilde… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:20am — No Comments

Umatic Japanaphobe

I recently read Surfcottage's blog which mentioned Richard Chamberlain

We had little media in Saudi Arabia. Movie Theaters were illegal. Television was broadcast from Bahrain for three hours a night. The last ten minutes of the "News" showed the King of Saudi being kissed by visiting dignitaries to Sousa marches. I was watching cartoons like "Felix the Cat" in the 1980s.

Most people there watched black market video tapes. Those were the days of VHS and Beta. My parents… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:18am — 1 Comment

Dreaming about Syd

So, LV users have infiltrated my active dream life.

I dreamt it was the opening reception of my art exhibit in October.

The gallery was fairly normal, although it was missing an exterior wall which was a grassy slope.

Syd's "job" at my show was to perform an amateur fireworks display.

She was lighting them in empty cans, then unsuccessfully lobbing them down the slope, but not far enough away - so she would run after them going "ooh ohh! Oh dear, uh… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:15am — No Comments

Waiting, Judging, Volunteerism

I've been waiting for a big job since April. Thought I would start this monday..Now they want drawings. I don't draw well. So I'm cooking and blogging today.

I was the county fair judge for childrens' painting the other day. It was my first time judging for this agricultural organization. They have their own language and system. I was intimidated by the paperwork and the fact that I would have to interview each child about their piece.

They decided to give me a high strung… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:10am — 1 Comment


First of all, an update about my dog. She's doing great on the meds! Her behavior is normal - except the lasik has made her wet her bed a few times. I will find out more on the 21st.

Today I had a rather rude, but true, comment on my video "Failure Smorgasbord".

The comment was:

U need a dental job.

I looked at the user's site and saw that he appears to be a Greek man, retired commercial airline pilot, who maybe lives in Papua New Guinea. He has 3… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:08am — No Comments

Sick Dog Sick People

I found out on wednesday that my Corgi (13) is very ill.

Her breath was rapid and labored and she would not eat.

Her symptoms revealed themselves while she was staying with my parents. (My father is recovering from Oral Cancer and finds pleasure in her company.)

She has an enlarged heart, fluid around her heart and lungs, and her lungs don't look right.

Everyone loves this dog.

I brought her home when I was nineteen years old; two days after I dropped out of… Continue

Added by flophousepoodle on November 14, 2008 at 7:06am — 2 Comments

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