The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

My parents were both teachers at the same school that we attended.
Since they worked for 1 extra hour after the students left, we required supervision. - Especially in our younger years.

The woman who took the Job "baby sitting" us teachers' kids after school was named Mrs. Wilde. Her husband worked for British Aerospace and she was a librarian/recess aide at the school.

She was attractive. She was vocal about her general dislike of children. (She and and Mr. Wilde had none -seemingly by choice). She was especially vocal about her disdain for American children. She had a beloved Daschsund named Max. - Having a dog was rare in Saudi.

For some reason, she took a liking to me. She would give my mother backhanded compliments like "Flophouse is very well behaved; for an American child."

Still in kindergarten, I was the youngest intitiate to the "Wilde Gang".

After school, we would walk through the 100 degree heat to the Library, past the desk and into a small AV room. We would sit on the floor and chit chat with each other for 5 or so minutes until the lights went out. We then proceeded to watch every James Bond film that she had on tape. She was really into James and so were we.We didn't make a sound other than the occasional Ooh and Aah. We had to be careful to pay higher respects to Sean Connery rather than Rodger Moore in order to please her.

By the time I was in 2nd grade I was completely caught up on Bond films. Goldfinger was often repeated. Looking back; I have no idea how she got her James Bond collection past customs. Every picture of a woman's arms or neck in a magazine was blacked out with marker, if two people kissed on TV it was edited out, etc.

One day, Mrs. Wilde called my mother and asked her if she and her husband could take me to the beach for a day. My mother broke the news to me with great pride - as if I was her Geisha in training and some warlord had finally anteed up. It was as if a Goddess had called for me to serve. I was psyched too and practiced my "well behaved for an American child" charm.

I went with them to "their" beach. (each company had use of a beach on the gulf). The Wildes had friends much like themselves; Married couples with no children who drove landrovers and had dogs. Sun and fun seeking Brits.
Mr. Wilde, who I was meeting for the first time, seemed very pleasant and dashing. We went out on a boat and he water skied on one ski.

I put it together:

Mr. Wilde is James Bond. This is why we check on him daily in the AV room.

After boating, we returned to the beach. The adults were focused on conversation so I naturally joined the dogs for hours of romping on a nearby sand dune.

My mother was nervous when I returned, anxious to know that I behaved and full of questions about the secret goings on of Sun worshipping childless Brits. She was impressed by the one ski tricks too. (My dad wears wingtips to the beach, to chemo, to everywhere)

One spring in Athens my brother and I saw the movie posters for "Octopussy". We informed our parents that we had to see it..To keep up.
Mom was offended by the title and refused. So dad took us.

Since then I feel that I must watch every Bond film to come down the pike. It's one of the few convictions I have in me. (My brother confides that he is the same.) 007 films remind me of a wonderful time in my life, a time when my highest aspirations were to be as well mannered as an English couples dog.

We've lost touch with Mrs. Wilde. I wonder what she thinks of the Blonde Bond? Does she think about the Wilde Gang when she buys her ticket?
I do.

*My mother decided after seeing Casino Royale that our cell phones are not living up to their potential. My Aunt asked if we just witnessed James Bond get neutered...

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