The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Hi. I'm your weather girl and have I got newssssssssss for you...

Recently my cousin started inviting me to shows of his new band, Versanova. I really would like to go to the shows, but the thought of it makes me kinda ill when I think about it. I used to be really involved with music (worked at a music venue, shot photos of bands, was a merch girl, even had my voice recorded on a band's CD and a song written about a conversation I had with a drummer of a band). Anyway, I had a bad bad bad HORRIBLY bad split with my musician friends--including my cousin. I'm wondering if this inviting me to shows are a peace offering or just a way to get the music out. I know I put WAY too much thought into things like this, but I never claimed not to be paranoid...because I can be about some things.

Anyway, should I make an effort to attend his shows and the others I'm invited to, or should I just consider the concert going part of my life over?

I start my new job tomorrow...8 hours of internet training... YAY! NOT.

Views: 6

Comment by flophousepoodle on November 20, 2008 at 12:10am
My advice means little but - go if you enjoy the music. - don't let it mess with the new job though..Gotta be bright eyed and bushy tailed.


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