The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

First of all, an update about my dog. She's doing great on the meds! Her behavior is normal - except the lasik has made her wet her bed a few times. I will find out more on the 21st.

Today I had a rather rude, but true, comment on my video "Failure Smorgasbord".

The comment was:

U need a dental job.

I looked at the user's site and saw that he appears to be a Greek man, retired commercial airline pilot, who maybe lives in Papua New Guinea. He has 3 dull videos and several photos of his car, watch, apartment, etc. (he is proud to have an american car in Europe..A Chrysler (sp?) PT Cruiser...)

I thought of all kinds of clever replies. Like "If only I was Greek, my moustache would hide them." or "Sorry to inform you that the PT Cruiser is the "Crooked teeth" of American cars." but..those replies could alienate others.

I settled for the truth because...

I am embarrassed by my teeth.

All day today, I have thought about teeth, how they look and what they mean.

They are the easiest recognizable social divide.

I guess though, I'm grateful that today they made me un-masterbate-able
to some guy in Papua New Guinea.

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