The Ark

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December 2009 Blog Posts (13)




I think he was saying "BALLINNNNNNNNNN"

Happy holidays and Have a safe new year :)

Princess Erica

Added by PrincessEricasWorld on December 31, 2009 at 2:30am — 5 Comments


It just hit me that we aren't just entering a new year but a new decade... which made me look back on the last 10 years which made me realize how long a decade its been and how happy I am to be done with it.

In the last 10 years I have lived through; moving my entire family to TN from NY, my husband having to go to jail in NY, moving everyone back to NY from TN, my father dying, my uncle dying, my grandmother (father's mother)dying. Prepared to move upstate (yes so I could see my husband… Continue

Added by JustDee on December 30, 2009 at 6:14pm — 8 Comments

Life in these United States.

I have a neurological disabilty of spinal nerves called Transverse Myelitis. It is related to MS, and can become MS in some cases.

I now need a walker or a wheelchair for mobility, and walkers are becoming less useful. I have one power wheelchair, (I can't use a manual chair because of the deficits in my arms and hands). However, this wheelchair is too large to get through some of the small hallways and doorways of my condo.

I have been shopping for a second small chair… Continue

Added by photo2010 on December 28, 2009 at 3:06pm — 8 Comments


I'm not sure why I was not excited when I saw the first trailer for James Cameron's Avatar. I've always loved his work and being that I'm a movie addict and a big fan of special effects, I should have been all over this one. Maybe it was because I thought it would be too much special effects and not enough plain old good script writing and fine acting. I've often seen good writing and acting fall to the wayside in favor of the latest special effects technology. At any rate, when I began seeing… Continue

Added by BlancheNoE on December 27, 2009 at 11:00am — 5 Comments


And all is right with the world... at least it was for the first hour...LOL.

OMG.. what a crazy bunch of kids I have. This is the first time we have all been together in the last 3 years. My oldest, Aley, moved out almost 4 years ago. She moved to LA and found love and had a baby...only to move back home with him and her (the her is a baby girl) last month.

Kim and Kate moved out last February. Both went back to NY but Kim subsequently moved to MA to be a nanny. That left… Continue

Added by JustDee on December 22, 2009 at 6:28am — 5 Comments

Bible Dude....(A Confession)


For about 8 months or more I had a friend request that I didn't want to accept. It was from this guy that was very much like a preacher but he was telling me that he could save me. Now as I have told alot of people I was born southern baptist and is very much a christian, but I'm not a "bible thumper". I refuse to be one really and it seems like far too much work. I heard that they have to go on the corner screaming at people at least once a week. That seemed uber complicated plus I… Continue

Added by PrincessEricasWorld on December 22, 2009 at 4:30am — 6 Comments

The Early Worx, the last

The last step on our journey back that I'm going to share was neither written nor directed by me, nor was it edited in any way. It is the recording of a short school play that we did in drama class in 1998.

We always did two. A short one that was shown on Nov 11th (the traditional beginning of carnival season) and a one and a half hour play for the end of the year. I joined in 11th grade so this is my first appearance in this fine ensemble at the age of 16.

I don't… Continue

Added by LtAdams2247 on December 20, 2009 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments


According to my friends I am the only GUY to be totally gaga over the twilight films

So much so that when i linked this video on facebook a friend of mine insinuated that i may be gay hmmmmmm the forbbiden love im intrigued at how my assertiveness is seen as me being a homosexual as if only homosexuals can be open and free about how they feel im guessing its the primeval thoughts of man to keep emotions and feelings tucked away which i kinda feel is sad and could possibly lead to the… Continue

Added by jinboy on December 19, 2009 at 5:28am — 3 Comments


This Christmas should be the best Christmas ever, I have my oldest daughter, her husband and their young baby living with us, obviously my youngest is still at home and we also have our other two daughters who live in MA and NY coming home for the holiday. I should be full of anticipation and joy...but I am instead full of anxiety and a melancholy of sorts. I can't quite put my finger on least I couldn't until I spoke to my sister and I realized that I have been missing the Christmas of… Continue

Added by JustDee on December 16, 2009 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

The Early Worx, the 3rd

Further back we go. So far we visited 2006 and 2003.

As always this blog is meant to provide background information as to how the work of *ahem* art came to be. This takes us to the year 2001. I had just left the German equivalent of high school and was doing alternative civilian service as community worker in a small town (1300 people). In other words: I was bored out of my skull.

To help this problem I stayed in the theater group of my school for a year after I… Continue

Added by LtAdams2247 on December 7, 2009 at 4:20pm — 4 Comments

Need to know about Cancer and Just Losing in General.

I know before reading this blog if you have a issue with me or my views..Please don't read. I posted on some personal views and kinda got like kicked for it. These are my views and feelings. Right now this is the only safe place for me because, I know a few of you have been though this and this is foreign territory for me. I am not doing this for sympathy but, for positive input and maybe just personal experiences.

When I blog here last time and deleted it because, it was trying NOT shut… Continue

Added by Cluelesswonder on December 7, 2009 at 1:37am — 3 Comments

UPDATE to Last Straw

Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. I hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just finished. She is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a lovely person. She's coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too good to be true.

Just when you give up hope in humanity..

Added by photo2010 on December 4, 2009 at 9:13pm — 8 Comments

Last Straw

Wednesday my Mom had a doctor's appointment. I had told the people we pay to help us the night before of her appointment and that it would be around 4pm. I said I'd call Wednesday to confirm. I called around 2:30pm. They had the cellphone that I pay for them to use, turned off. They never got my message and totally forgot about my Mother. They showed up around 3:30pm to collect their pay and the groceries I buy for them every week. We told them about the appointment and they were unphased. This… Continue

Added by photo2010 on December 4, 2009 at 6:01am — 6 Comments

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