So summer is almost here. NJ actually has nice beaches. I like to stroll the beach in my Ocean Pacific bathing shorts. Mostly I like to stare at girls in bikini's. English girls are probable very pale. That's OK. Crabs scare me. My middle aged lady friends are sexy. I want to hot tub with them.
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 25, 2009 at 8:13pm —
1 Comment
People work at Walmart because they choose too. I don't want the cost to got up, and I'm tired of unions having to much power. When a union has power over their company, that is an issue for the company to deal with. If a union has power over the political process then I feel my rights are being infringed. Money controls politicians, not the good of the masses.
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 18, 2009 at 10:19am —
1 Comment
Ladies! I find it morally, if not viscerally, repugnant the bodacious representation of womanhood being displayed on this site. The truculent, or more to the point, acerbic yowling from the weaker sex on here reviles modern societies basic expectations of subservience of those who would be your better. If I were to be adviser to your men, reverberations off your firm, young, pink buttock's would be the whale song of the neighborhood. It saddens me to know that perky, tone breast reside on those…
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 13, 2009 at 6:34pm —
A patient asked me how I learned to be so gentle, I told her prison. Another asked me how I have such patience, I told her I hold it in, and then take it out on my cat. I'm not very good at what I do.
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 11, 2009 at 12:55pm —
I get a lot of really cool comments on my blogs. Thank you all, accept MOTC
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 10, 2009 at 8:28pm —
Go on you trucqulent, acerbic coo-lade drinkers. Have your large coffee, but don't forget to call it a Venti. You can have your organic apples as long as 9 year old Jesus can climb over the fence. I would rather stay on the fringe than lick the boot of you Hight Definition cosmopolite people of the world. Does the Che Guevara's tee shirt come in XXL?
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 6, 2009 at 7:22pm —
What is the sluttiest underwear you own and what is the story behind them? Mine are the ones I stole from the laundry basket when the women was not looking. Granny panties make me feel like I have a secrete all to myself.
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 6, 2009 at 7:03pm —
As a Vampire, I have eclectic tastes.
Kat Ballou would taste like domestic beer. I would probable have her blood running down my cheeks, as I call Xfashionfacist at 3 AM crying for one more chance to slurp upon her black liquorish hemoglobin. Anotherbrianne would be satisfying , but I would get hungry again in an hour. I'll keep her chained in my basement. I would feast upon MOTC in the closet, but then never talk about it again. Blanchenoe, Sedona Leigh, and Nobodyshild99 would be my…
Added by Dreamcatcher on April 3, 2009 at 7:30pm —