The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Dana (scribblers sanctuary)'s Blog (41)

Island Life and Broken Hearts on the Mend

Hello Arkians and greatly missed friends.

Much has happened in the last bit, heh? For those of you that haven't heard, Mr. Scribbler and I were hit by a drunk driver on May 28, 2016. My beloved and best friend did not survive the accident and I have spent the last 2 years. 2 months and 3 weeks figuring out the rest of my life and healing; both physically and emotionally.

I'll spare you the details and tell you what's going on at the moment. I have become quite the scuba diver…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on August 20, 2018 at 8:23am — 5 Comments

Time flies...sometimes pigs do too.

Oh my! Has it really been since last December since I posted? I feel like such a derelict. Especially since I think about you Arkians nearly every day. Ok, so here's the Reader's Digest version should any of you be curious...

In the last 10ish months I've...

Been promoted to Advanced Master as both a designer and trainer

Got my Redken Color Certification and Redken Specialist

Transitioned into a Vegetarian Lifestyle

Started excercising. sort…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on October 2, 2013 at 10:01pm — 5 Comments

Hello Arkian friends

Just stopping in to say hello. I hope this finds you all well, happy and enjoying the good life. I think of you all often. I continue to lurk and creep around VH keeping an eye on you.

As for me, lots of good things going on and keeping me busy and out of trouble. mostly. I have some blogs in the works and hopefully, I'll get them posted at some point.

I also wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the support and friendship that was so generously extended when my… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on December 5, 2012 at 2:31am — 5 Comments

Socks with sandals? I don't THINK so!

My dad was a bit of a prankster and he loved a good joke. Most of the jokes he told aren't appropriate in polite company. He was, after all, a sailor. But he was always up to something. One day, he came home from work, and as was his custom, went straight to his room to change his clothes. I didn't think much of it because he always did that. After a bit, my mom followed him and then a couple minutes longer, I was summoned. 

As I walked down the hall, I could hear my mom…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on June 13, 2012 at 3:07am — 6 Comments

sailors and ships and movies and promises

We went to see the movie Battleship. It has several actors I enjoy, it's science fiction, it has sailors and aliens. What's not to enjoy? I liked Cowboys and Aliens too. Sue me.

For those of you who have been following my blog for a moment, you know that my dad, my hero and my buddy, was lost to me on February 15th, 2012. I have written several blogs that I have not been able to share with you yet, but as promised, when enough time has passed, I…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on June 13, 2012 at 3:06am — 4 Comments

wee hour mindchatter


I have several blogs written that I haven't posted yet. I have been writing. I will post them. I just have to chew on them a bit. I will say that the journaling of memories of my beloved father has been a bit of comfort. I find myself feeling somewhat normal during the day and when I'm busy. But at night, when all is still, it's something else. I have stopped the shedding of daily tears. I can talk about him without that tightness and lack of air. But at night...that's… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on April 22, 2012 at 2:39am — 9 Comments

Scary Movies and Roof Rattling

My sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was about 8 years old. In order to pay for the medical/mental help she needed, Dad worked 3 jobs and Mom worked 2. I was one of the original latch key kids. 

Dad was stationed at Millington for a tour of Instructor's duty, worked at the enlisted men's club on base as a bartender and managed a pizza hut on weekends. I would often go with them to pizza hut. At that time, they still had bars and bar stools in the Pizza Hut. I would get a… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on February 28, 2012 at 3:52am — 3 Comments

Can Your Daddy Come Out to Play?

We lived in Rhode Island for a year when I was six. That was when/where Dad made it official and adopted me. We lived in a one bedroom trailer. One of those silver ones. When I asked my mom where I was going to sleep, she said, "In the closet in the kitchen." And sure enough, there was a closet with sliding doors in the kitchen. When you opened the doors, there were several side by side drawers with a countertop, and then another shelf above that. The drawers were perfect as my dresser but the… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on February 27, 2012 at 1:14am — 5 Comments

Let Me Tell You About My Dad

So, let me tell you about my dad.

My mom was married, had 3 children. I was the third. Unfortunately, it was not a match made in heaven and when I was about nine months old, she gathered the courage, or her sense of survival kicked in, something - but she packed up her kids and her stuff and left Buffalo to return home to Corpus Christie. A few years of struggling, socializing and...

Doug and Gloria met at a party - she a divorcee' that worked at a jewelry store - he a… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on February 26, 2012 at 12:31am — 3 Comments

a scribbler with no words

Life is a funny thing. Only sometimes, it doesn't make us laugh. For those of you who have known me for more than a minute, you know that my dad has always been my hero. (Heck- how can you not love a guy in a uniform with Toblerone in his pockets?) Anyway, I lost my dad unexpectedly yesterday. I don't have it in me to write about it at this moment so here's a link of one of my favorite memories. …


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on February 17, 2012 at 12:30am — 7 Comments

Dog Sleds and Pay Backs

Pyper's Blog - 2012 Episode 2

It's January 31 and it was 64 degrees and sunny today. Proof that buying a bigger car circumvented a 5th straight year of crappy Kansas Winter. I know. Those of you who live to the North think I'm a whiner. But this Texas girl needs a sweater when it falls below 75 and the sun goes down. I am what I am.  

Now the big…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on February 1, 2012 at 2:45am — 3 Comments

The World is Good Whether We See it or Not... (Pyper's Blog)

Precursor to the following blog: I was challenged by my friend Pyper to write a blog a week for 2012. I have accepted the challenge however; make no promises or guarantees that even a small percentage will be noteworthy.  For you Pyper my friend – I’ll do my best.

2012 episode 1 – The World is Good. The World is Very Good.

The New Year always makes me giddy. Maybe it’s the lingering buzz from the holiday season. Maybe it’s the symbolic nature of starting afresh. A wiping of the…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on January 5, 2012 at 2:00am — 10 Comments

another non-blog - and a wee story about a wee dog and it's wee.

It's finally getting cold and i suddenly remember what I don't like about winter. Cold is painful. My muscles object and retaliate with a lack of cooperation. The wind is making its music tonight, as it lowers it's shoulder and forces its way through the thick trees and brush. And the starless sky is black as pitch. Too cold even for the stars, perhaps. And here i sit with my trusted friend, tapping on its keys while pondering the great design and enjoying the warmth of my Betty Boop snuggi.… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on December 8, 2011 at 2:35am — 6 Comments

The Challenge

Thought I’d share a few questions I was asked back in the old days of LV. My answers follow. If you feel so inclined, your responses would be most welcome. I did a response video. If I find it I'll post it too. 


Q. Show and Act of Love

A. I kissed my husband. I didn’t repeat something I overheard. I bought lunch for a friend. I laughed at a joke. I wrote a blog.

Q. What is most important to you?

A. To be worthy of the love I receive.

Q. What do you…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on November 23, 2011 at 11:31pm — 6 Comments

no blog here...just some random thoughts

One of my clients told me today that her daughter, who is now a college student announced at the height of intellectual capacity,(17 yrs for those of you who don't have children) announced that she had in fact decided on her life's mission. She wanted to be a sex therapist. Since I had not made one single inappropriate comment all day, and I was working on my last client of the day, and that's clearly against my principles, I asked, "Is she a 'hands on' kind of gal?". My client, fortunately has… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on October 26, 2011 at 8:39pm — 6 Comments

the journey to your mirror

I had a discussion recently with a client about greatness. Popularity is probably a more accurate description. It’s funny what people will tell you when you lay your hands on them. They seem to forget they are in a public place, surrounded by other people. They get in my chair and once we’ve talked business, they spill their dreams or their fears or their guts. I don’t really understand it.

Anyway, my client mentioned out of the blue that she regretted that she had never done anything…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on August 29, 2011 at 3:00am — 7 Comments

Hello's and Pink Flamingos

Hello my Arkian friends!


Sorry to have been absent so long. Here's the Reader's Digest version. 

I mentioned last time that I was seriously considering auditioning for a position with Redken. Well, we went to NY so I could take my certification exam which is the first step to the process. Mr. Scribbler and I turned it into a Fabtieth birthday trip as well and had the most marvelous time. I'll post pics to give you a bit of the essence but this amateur photographer…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on August 29, 2011 at 12:21am — 5 Comments

hot pizza and difficult decisions

So, I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately. Many things are happening and coming together, the stars are aligning, the clouds are parting, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. I like to mull things over for a decade or so before speaking about them but the time has coms...Mr. Scribbler and I chatted about it today...


So here's the dealio; I work for a growing ~ and wonderful ~ company that gives me the tools and the freedom to grow and  prosper in any way I see fit. Mostly. The…


Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on April 19, 2011 at 3:30am — 8 Comments

Hittin' below the belt

When I was little, the world was a scary place. Everyone was bigger, smarter, funnier, prettier, luckier and more talented than me. They had joyful lives. They didn't fear spiders. They could run faster, swim better, hit the ball. They knew what they wanted to be when they grew up and they were good and successful at everything they tried and the whole world loved them. All of them. I very much wanted to partake of the fruits of society. To be invited to the party of life.

In… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on March 20, 2011 at 10:46pm — 10 Comments

Wish, the Universe

Jack of all trades, master of none. I wonder if this is a phenomena of recent history. An inclination to dabble in this, tip toe in that. Small bits of exposure to lots of interests in an adhd kind of way rather than focusing in and becoming proficient at one thing.

I see it everywhere. Over the years, I have worked with people with this affliction and been guilty of this very thing myself. I’ll do this and on the side, I’ll do that. A wee bit of exposure here, a bit of beginner’s… Continue

Added by Dana (scribblers sanctuary) on January 26, 2011 at 3:00am — 4 Comments

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