I haven't been around much lately because aside from the fact that my daughter, son in law and new grand baby have finally moved in with us, we also had my husband father visiting us for the holiday.
Aley and family arrived on the 7th of November and the little one, Reighlan, captured my heart from the first glimpse of her. What a darling little girl. She is almost 4 months now but she has a wonderful personality. She isn't fussy at all, she cries but only when she needs…
Added by JustDee on November 30, 2009 at 1:45am —
I just updated my facebook status to "hates wshing he was somewhere else". The first response I got is from someone suggesting I settle where I am and think about moving later. Is that how this works?
See I keep meeting people who all had high hopes and dreams but the every day has weighed them down. Now all those dreams are just what they use to think about what-might-have-been. In fact the person telling me to settle down on facebook is a prime example of someone who is stuck in a…
Added by spacemonkey1310 on November 28, 2009 at 4:36pm —
The internet is a wonderful thing. For me it's my window on the world. But, In addition to the wonderful connections I've made, sometimes you get news that hurts deeply.
About a week ago I learned about the passing of a friend of mine, Patricia Hemenway Cook. I had not seen her in many years, but still thought about her often. Patty was young, only 59. We met at my last job. Patty and I became fast friends, always making each other laugh. She was well known in town as a talented…
Added by photo2010 on November 28, 2009 at 1:25pm —
Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 26, 2009 at 2:44am —
The second tour back in time leads us even further back into the year 2003. Now we truly enter what pypermarru would describe as "fake UFUs on strings". Hey, pyper, how's it goin' ;-)
This - lets call it - project was clearly born out of a "they were young and had nothing else to do" mentality. The story is unoriginal, the camera work sloppy and the editing imprecise. Plus this was at a time when there was no 16 bit audio yet. Well at least not on my machine ;-)
My fingers…
Added by LtAdams2247 on November 23, 2009 at 12:33pm —
Added by jinboy on November 20, 2009 at 7:22am —
Star Trek the movie was released on DVD on Tuesday, November 17th.
This movie is a prime example of what can happen when people come together
in love and commonalities to create something of value, for all.
After watching the movie again, I realized why I had such an intense emotional
response when I saw it in the theater. Star Trek, the original series, represented
what we all wanted America to be. A melting pot of humans at their best and brightest.
A community…
Added by BlancheNoE on November 19, 2009 at 12:00pm —
I love you people! :)
Added by photo2010 on November 17, 2009 at 3:18pm —
Time: 18:14 EST
Location: Philadelphia International Airport, USA
Waiting for my plane. It’s a long wait but maybe that’s because I don’t want to get on board. I’m about eleven hours away from anti-climax.
The routine goes like this. I land. Collect my luggage. I go outside and am met by a friend or family member. This is a bittersweet moment as I’m happy to see them but with that comes the reality that I’m....home.
Home. That word should bring to mind…
Added by spacemonkey1310 on November 16, 2009 at 8:12am —
Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 13, 2009 at 1:35pm —
Chig is a man of the people, including furry people. He's also cute,smart and he looks out for the little guy ! VOTE FOR CHIG !
We are back on line. We won't be able to make movies for a while but we are so very happy to have access to the interwebs in our own home. No more going to the library and waiting for our 1 hour of access.
It is amazing how big a part of our lives internet access has become. I can't count the times in the last 3 weeks that my husband and I were talking and…
Added by BlancheNoE on November 12, 2009 at 6:24pm —
In the following weeks I am gonna share a few pre-LV movies I made here in Germany whenever I managed to get a crew together long enough to finish one. I usually didn't take any roles myself so that I could concentrate on the camera work and directing and all that.
So instead of going forward in skill and complexity of movie making as I usually do when uploading here, one can see where I'm coming from. No visual effects, no fancy soundtracks (those I made myself back in the day). And…
Added by LtAdams2247 on November 12, 2009 at 3:31am —
A friend asked me yesterday for a list of my favorite artists and songs, which sent me to my excessive CD collection with notebook in hand. After I filled two pages of tiny notes and was about to start a third, I realized how MUCH info it was, and it got me wondering if it wouldn’t be impossible to edit it down to what my
very favorite of all these songs were. I’ve never tried to force this issue before. Never needed to.
I didn't know how to begin narrowing that down. What're…
Added by NatureJunkie on November 10, 2009 at 6:30pm —
If you could select one person from history and ask them a question to which they must give a truthful reply. Whom would you select, and what question would you ask?
I will start it off...
I would ask Jesus a question and the question I would ask him is, "Whose your daddy?"...
But seriously, one person from history and the question you would ask...
Added by JustDee on November 5, 2009 at 3:00am —
This was supposed to go up for Halloween but all the computers at the library were in use.
Happy belated Halloween from Bouncer and PCs suck.
Thanks LtAdams, you rock.
Added by BlancheNoE on November 3, 2009 at 1:01pm —
Check out Cat's new site,
VidiVlogs. She's got some interesting folks there- very friendly.

If you feel you're up for a bit more engagement but you don't want to go to Vloggerheads for it, check her site- it's kind of neat.
She's got plans for it to be on a whole different server- off of Ning (kind of what Duncan's doing with Moar Video, but her's should be up and running in a…
Added by SydTheSkeptic on November 3, 2009 at 2:00am —
I have been wondering a lot about the role "choices" make in our lives. I mean, have we gotten to where we are by a series of deliberate choices or have circumstances dictated our lives? I didn't "choose" to be born and yet I was. I didn't "choose" who my parents were or if I would have brothers and sisters. I didn't "choose" in what order we would be born....I didn't choose to grow up the way I did. I did however choose to survive all of that. I did choose to move on from where my parents left…
Added by JustDee on November 1, 2009 at 9:20pm —