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Hello, dearest strangers...
Is anybody still here? Gee, I sure hope so. You have all been on my mind and in my heart every day, even though I managed to wander off. For a bunch of people I've never met, I sure do miss you guys. How are you? What have you been up to?
Me? I'm quite well, thank you, all things considered. Mugsie and Polly remain my loyal companions, while I'm afraid to report that I've parted ways with the other cats and their minion. I have 8 active beehives at the moment, expecting more this year. I'm finally making a living doing what I love to do (writing, editing, graphics, video, websites). I just Flowbee'd last weekend and noticed a decidedly bald spot forming back there, so I'm considering taking up wearing a yarmulke (which beats Trump's solution by a thousand miles).
As for that last video project I was working on, it's still a viable dream. I have a stellar cast who shot great material - too precious to be held hostage on my computer. I got ambitious and started colorizing some black and white footage, but I tripped up when domestic instabilities knocked me off balance. I promise to pick it up again soon. (Any suggestions about the latest video colorizing techniques are welcome!) Alternately, I can take Adams' suggestion and just render the entire thing in B&W.
I have a million video ideas (well, dozens, anyway), so I promise to get back in the saddle.
And now I'll open up the floor to any questions...
Posted on November 5, 2012 at 2:29pm 2 Comments 0 Favorites
For those of you who haven't voted early (and often!), you may want to check out ProCon.org's cool 7-page survey that matches your opinions to those of 5 candidates. I took the survey - as did a couple of my conservative friends - and what a surprise! My conservative friends had Romney #2 in their results, and I had Obama #2 in my results. The surprise was that we ALL had the same #1 result: Virgil Goode.
Who? It seems to me that Mr. Goode has some magic (or at least…
ContinuePosted on November 2, 2012 at 1:07pm 5 Comments 0 Favorites
Okay, NatureJunkie has put a fire under me to Do the Doris Bump - that is, to post enough new videos to keep Doris Anne Beaulieu's vids off the Ark's front page. Nothing against Doris, but she's the benchmark of the Ark's unfortunate running aground.
But limited to 2 vids a day (I somehow posted 3 this evening!), I need help. So I challenge my good fellow Arkians to join me in posting new vids. Amy's Emotivids are quick and easy (at least for those of us with an unlimited supply of…
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Okay Jim..... Its been 2 years and 4 months. I am growing concerned here. Hope all is well.
Hey Jim... just pinging you to see that you are around and doing well.
Jim, I shared your hive series on Youtube with my cousin back East who's very concerned about the pee population and was thinking about starting a hive. He said your vids were extremely helpful and that your vids, in general, are great. I wanted you to know your videos reached a future bee-hero.
How's it going?
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