Challenge a friend (or accept a challenge) to get the most points at the end of two months by fulfilling as many video-making missions as possible by then, thereby winning the booty (prize).
There are 30 missions for each Videolympiad and each has points based on its level of difficulty (5, 10, or 20). A new Videolympics with a new set of missions will be introduced every two months.
It's up to the challengers to declare what the booty is before they actually start to compete against one another. Booty can be anything- it can be material like a gift certificate or an actual prize that's mailed to the winner, or it can be something the loser has to do as a result of losing. Whatever the case, the booty must be declared and agreed upon before that particular match begins.
TEAM PLAY: Players may compete in teams but there must be a declared "team captain" for each and each team has to propose booty that they're to award the other team, should they lose.
AWARDS: Individual Arkies may post a challenge by declaring booty (an award) to anyone who meets their own criteria. For instance, Syd might declare a booty of $50 for the first player who reaches 200 points, regardless of whether they're playing against someone else in a separate challenge. This is a way for those who don't wish to compete (or can't) to still be a part of the game.
(1) To challenge an Arkie-friend (or a team of Arkie friends), simply put a notice on their page that states something like:
I challenge you to be my opponent in Videolympics #1!
If I lose, I'll/we'll...(finish the sentence- what would you do or give if you lose?)
Include a link to this Videolympiad page so they know what the heck you're talking about:
If you've been challenged, simply decline or accept by placing a message on the challenger's page that is something like:
I accept your challenge, and if I lose, I'll.... (put what you'd do or give should you lose).
2) Once an opponent (or an opposing team captain) has accepted the challenge, it must be declared in the discussion strand of the Olympiad they're competing in. That will make it official, and the game begins for those players at the moment of the posting.
The post must have the following info:
I challenged ____ and he/she has accepted.
If I lose, I will...
If I win, ____ will...
(3) Players moderate their own games, but if there are friendly disputes around the validity of a video entry, the one challenging it must post it in the discussion strand as such:
I challenge the validity of this video-> LINK
I challenge it because...
The Ark's captain will decide on the matter based on the guidelines below.
(4) The player (or team) with the most points at the end of the Olympiad (or 2-month period) wins the match.
(5) If anyone's tied, we'll have a tie-breaker round between just those players lasting one week with ten very difficult challenges.
In order for each video to count, it must:
(1) be originally produced for the Videolympics (older clips can be edited in, though)
(2) be no less than 30 seconds in length, unless otherwise specified in a mission's description.
(3) be embedded in the current Olympiad's discussion strand before the deadline
(4) have "Videolympics" and the number of the mission it fulfills somewhere in the title
(5) only be counted toward ONE of the missions (no merging)
(6) have original video content shot by the player in most of the video (mash ups alone are invalid unless otherwise specified in the mission's description)
Check the details of each Videolympiad and the missions for more details...
The point of the Videolympics is to inspire through friendly competition, so HAVE FUN!!!
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