The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Jinboy's Blog – September 2010 Archive (2)

Random Morning

the greatness that is life in its infinite randomness

today at 3am I decided to go to the university library to check up on some emails about the location of my lecture at 10am today, I got my coat on my wallet and my phone walked out of my dorme room (a studio video upcoming soon) as soon as the door closed my hand clasped my coat pockets *crap no keys* and the door automatically lockls itself (stupid saftey measures)

went down to see if security was their hes clocked off… Continue

Added by jinboy on September 28, 2010 at 2:32am — 3 Comments

my past facebook statuses

random moments of inspirations

1. its a rush that has a way of confusing you, its not a matter of if but when it chooses you, it takes your breath away when it takes a hold of you, you cant fight this it has a way of hypnotizing you, let it take you over this will make you sober, and when its done like a drug you'll only want more more more..............

2. we walk this earth like mere shadows, hollow from the inside out, it is in one moment when we find our reflection,… Continue

Added by jinboy on September 8, 2010 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

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