The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

the greatness that is life in its infinite randomness
today at 3am I decided to go to the university library to check up on some emails about the location of my lecture at 10am today, I got my coat on my wallet and my phone walked out of my dorme room (a studio video upcoming soon) as soon as the door closed my hand clasped my coat pockets *crap no keys* and the door automatically lockls itself (stupid saftey measures)

went down to see if security was their hes clocked off *grrrrr*

so i phone the out of hours staff at 3am a shot in the dark to get an answer and no answers at all (oh well)

went to library checked my email no replies (hmph) found last years final year timetable and for the lecture i have today i found the room its a hail mary but what the hell if it works it works.

checked my hotmail, yahoo and facebook nothing going on imagine a western style ball of hay rolling across the lands of the internets LOL

after exhausting the social networks i decide to watch videos *library no speaker or earphones crap*

go to 3 petrol stations (the only things open at 5am) all of which are about 15 minutes apart none of them have any earphones *just my luck* (light bulb) 24hr tesco supermarket about 20 mins away lets go

find earphones done
buy earphones done
return to uni done

now watching wwe smackdown on youtube.

just thought i'd share this wonderfull experience and the day has not even started LOL

Views: 20

Comment by JustAnotherUserName on September 28, 2010 at 10:20pm
When my twins were babies, we lived near a 24-hour grocery store. I found that, since we were all up anyway, 2-3 a.m. is a brilliant time to go shopping!
Comment by NatureJunkie on October 1, 2010 at 3:50pm
"...nothing going on imagine a western style ball of hay rolling across the lands of the internets." Yeah, isn't it funny how you can be online and you know billions of other people are probably online at that moment as well, and yet... NOTHING HAPPENING.

By the way, we dwellers of the West call them thar western style balls of hay "tumbleweeds." Kind of poetic like, ain't we?
Comment by jinboy on October 28, 2010 at 11:09am
tumbleweed how did i forget that LOL :S


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