The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Chig's Blog (61)

NOt only 5 seconds, but a whole 11 seconds.

When I saw this I failed to come up with a word which describes it.  What word would you pick?

Han Solo Gangnam Style

Thanks for you consideration.

Added by Chig on September 27, 2012 at 9:49pm — 3 Comments

One of the most brilliant people....

I have been watching one of the most Gut busting series I have ever seen.  It is called An Idiot Abroad.

In that I was introduced to Karl Pilkington.   I started watching some other conversations on video and in audio from this man.  LOL.  On the surface some people might judge this man as being a moron.  I have to tell you though, if he is.... he is still a brilliant teacher who does impart a unique perspective on the world.  For that I want to recognize his…


Added by Chig on August 5, 2012 at 12:05am — 7 Comments

Just saw this. We have a world record holder here in town.

Visit for breaking news,…


Added by Chig on July 22, 2012 at 12:04pm — 3 Comments


This is controversial.  Google it and you will know why.  I didn't think it would ever see the light of day.

And I happen to be Team Sarah on this, not Team TED.

 (see video in comment below)

What the heck is so special about TED anyway?


Added by Chig on July 18, 2012 at 12:00am — 3 Comments


Uh Syd, you may have dropped the F bomb once or twice in the video.   So if you are watching this with any family members who you don't want to subject to that kind of language please send them from the room.... or put on a set of head phones.

That is all.

Added by Chig on February 11, 2012 at 10:34am — 5 Comments

Les Friction CD finally out.

I am just so danged excited.  I miss ES Posthumus, and this is the next best thing. 

link to buy MP3, Itunes or CD

Added by Chig on January 24, 2012 at 8:55pm — 5 Comments

Caught a chill, so I had to throw a log on the fire.

Something tells me it that 2012 is going to be a real hot year!  Enough of t2011 already!

Happy New Years you guys.

love yas.

Added by Chig on December 30, 2011 at 10:07pm — 15 Comments

Les Friction

One of the saddest pieces of news I heard last year was one of the two Brothers who made up ES Posthumus had died.  you have heard their music (check the link).... if not on TV, in some of Peter's vids, or even in a couple CollectiveSoul teasers.

As this year turns things around.... The surviving brother, Helmut has started a new band... and there are shades of ES Posthumus in the compositions and instrumentals.  


Check out the music:…


Added by Chig on November 18, 2011 at 10:43pm — 6 Comments

Darkside of the Moon


If you catch it just at the right time you can hear the concert from 1974 with the original show video screen footage.

I might add Brilliant! 


Check it out.





Added by Chig on September 28, 2011 at 9:00pm — 9 Comments

July 22, 2011 08:30 AZ time I killed my best friend, and it was time.

I hastened the demise of my best friend this morning.  He lived 4 months and two days post his diagnosis of lymphoma.   He was unique.   So independent, so smart was he that I am sure although he was domesticated, some of his lineage was not.  One word describes my red boy..... Perfect.


He walked outside in the backyard today before he came back in and laid where the Vet drugged him to death... no joy... just going through the motions as he did yesterday, and somewhat the day…


Added by Chig on July 22, 2011 at 1:08pm — 8 Comments

Obama Justice, help understanding.

First off Kirb is still with us.  He has done extremely well, but I the past couple days his lymph nodes in his neck are much larger... I suspect this is a sign that the disease is progressing rapidly.  He still goes on walks, eats vigorously chases hawks out of the yard and tries to be normal around the rest of the pack....  but I know the disease is catching up with him, and this time I don't think I can alleviate some of the discomfort.  We shall see.  He had a very excellent week  up…


Added by Chig on May 5, 2011 at 12:30am — 18 Comments




Airing the dirty laundry I guess these days.



Just stopping by to say Kirb is thriving on the Prednisone , Astralagus and Maritime Pine Bark Extract, although I am not giving him near the dose of Prednisone prescribed.   I know though, that how he appears is a lie. He is still very sick, but at least he is able to enjoy things.


Added by Chig on March 31, 2011 at 10:03am — 3 Comments

thanks and update

Yesterday it seemed Kirb had hours and not weeks.   He went from being perfectly active the day he went to the Vet (walked a good 5 miles) to yesterday, me having to lift him up to stand and setting him down as he tried to lay down.  He was hunched in pain and stiff when he attempted to walk.  He would pant a bit from the pain.  I gave him a dose of Prednisone and today he is back to his normal self, running to the door to be first to greet us, and anxious to have his walk as he pulled Ann's…


Added by Chig on March 23, 2011 at 12:21am — 10 Comments


I made the video Orange Sky last year in honor of my orange dog, Kirb last year.   He just turned 10 years.    Every morning I greet him with the phrase "Every day is a beautiful, wonderful, glorius  gift."  This became ritual with us following the death of his older brother who passed back in 2004 and Kirb idolized.   His brother died of a secondary lymphoma which started with a cancer of the spleen,


Kirb  was diagnosed with lymphoma today.   That usually carries a prognosis…


Added by Chig on March 21, 2011 at 12:00am — 8 Comments

How I started the Year of the Rabbit.

It's 19 degrees outside.  I am standing in the shadow of this building.  I knelt to extinguish candle after candle in this place where 5 people's lives where extinguished less than a month ago.   It was not exactly what I had signed up for, but I guess it brought me to this place I had avoided now for weeks despite its close proximity to home.   We discussed how things were to be separated, cleaned, dried, and placed in boxes.   Like some sort of dreadful assembly line we each took to a task…


Added by Chig on February 4, 2011 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments


Just a note that you are missed.
Party on, dudes. I sometimes think of the joy you have brought, and hope you share a bit more with us in the future some day.

Added by Chig on August 7, 2010 at 9:09pm — 10 Comments

Four... closure.

Sunday, August 30th, 9:30 pm.

Ruby laid on the floor near the kitchen side entrance. Ann laid next to her, listening to Ruby’s rapid breathing. It was time for bed soon for those of us who have to go to start another work week in the morning. I knelt down noticing that Ruby’s rapid breathing appears to look as though she has a slight spasm in her abdomen. “I thought the Theophylline would reduce any tendancy to spasm.”, I muttered to Ann as I laid my hand on Ruby’s side. Ann… Continue

Added by Chig on September 7, 2009 at 3:30am — 12 Comments


While I had been laying next to Ruby and asking questions I knew she could not hear much less understand, such as “Is there someone you are missing right now?” or “Are you happy here?”, Ann had set upon the task to fuel and build up the stamina of this little dog who showed all the physical signs of living through some very hard times in recent days. She looked like a puppy and at times she moved like a puppy, but when you touched her it was not hard to imagine her skeletal frame as it was… Continue

Added by Chig on September 5, 2009 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments


After taking photos to send to her foster mother showing that Ruby was getting along with our other four dogs, we realized that Ruby was almost completely deaf. She was completely oblivious to any commotion involving the other dogs unless she could see it. This presented us with one challenge and resolved another. There was really no point in changing her name from the one given to her by the pound. She would never hear it. So as we could not pin a name on her, we simply pinned Toozday on the… Continue

Added by Chig on September 4, 2009 at 2:00am — 6 Comments


This text will probably become a web page with photos/videos in remembrance of the sweetest creature I think I ever have met. I know. I have joined the ranks of the online basket case. The story won't be a downer. Writing this is reminding me of all these little moments of joy I could not have had otherwise. This may take me a while, but I need to work my way through some pain, I had not been prepared for.. I hope in the end I will find the courage to see this as something other than a tragedy.… Continue

Added by Chig on September 2, 2009 at 2:30am — 12 Comments

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