The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Photo2010's Blog – April 2009 Archive (4)


I come from a family of many cousins, Aunts and Uncles. Made for wonderful family gatherings during the holidays. Great memories. Recently the realization of how my family is shrinking is hitting me hard. Of 9 Uncles, one remains..and I last saw him at my Dad's funeral, 13 years ago.

For some reason I'm thinking of my Uncle Arthur tonight. We called him Uncle Artie. He passed away many years ago. He had a wonderful laugh..his whole body shook and his shoulders would bounce up and… Continue

Added by photo2010 on April 29, 2009 at 2:57am — 3 Comments

A Poem.

Spider spider on the wall

Don't you have any brains at all?

Don't you know that wall's been plastered?

Get off that wall you dirty spider!

Added by photo2010 on April 24, 2009 at 3:40am — 4 Comments

I'm posting this blog in case something bad happens.

I'm posting this because I am concerned that the couple who help my Mother and me might harm us, and we have nobody to help us that lives nearby.

Has anyone had help in your home for things like cooking, cleaning, or various other tasks, but the people helping you make you uncomfortable, or they take advantage of you?

This is the case with a couple who helps my Mother and me.

They borrow money BESIDES what we pay them, and don't pay it back. They use my Mother's car, (with… Continue

Added by photo2010 on April 5, 2009 at 9:01am — 9 Comments

Oreo Intervention!

I never thought this would happen again. I mean, it's one thing when you're a can go through a package of Oreos and walk it off, but not when you've reached Ye Olde Fahrtdom, as I have!

I hadn't eaten one in years. Those wonderful cookies in all their creamy centered, pull-apart, milk-dunking, perfect roundness with ridges, delightfulness. But then recently I discovered, Newman-O's! An organic Oreo! No more guilt that I'm destroying my personal ozone layer… Continue

Added by photo2010 on April 1, 2009 at 7:11pm — 10 Comments

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