The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I want to know your reasons for leaving LV channels up

Hey -
Today I went to leave a comment on Petyalfieburgers latest vid. Directly below me was a porn spam with 3 vignettes. The first two were your usual fare - the 3rd was a yellow lab screwing a woman.
I've heard talk of young girls being in the live rooms too.
I wonder at this point how I can justify keeping my content on that site.
I want to know your reasons.
Is it all nostalgia at this point?
Is it pride?
I would feel really shitty about walking away from the diehards. (and ego wise - walking away from the cult)
But :LV is crossing the line. Porn there didn't used to bother me...But with the stuff I'm seeing lately..
I would never look at an illegal porn site..Why am I on one?
are we just helping to legitimize it by leaving our content up?
Is it a time capsule?
I would lose my first 10 vids or so. Not too bad.
I would lose hundreds of your clever comments..- bad.
If I feel this way..I can't imagine how those of you who have been there so long feel.

Views: 7

Comment by photo2010 on January 13, 2009 at 2:34am
I'm still there because I still have some good friends there who haven't come over to the Ark yet. However, you make some very valid points. If kids are being harmed there..and nothing is being done to prevent it, can't really justify keeping it going.
Comment by jessicapeanut on January 13, 2009 at 9:10am
I am keeping my channel open because some of m friends refuse to go to another site. It is away to let people see my vids but I will not be putting anything on LV unless it is for a friend. Most of my vids have music so I really cant even get a vid up there. the porn stuff is disgusting and LV isn't doing anything to those people. In summary I am not leaving completely But the Ark is more of my home now. Hope that helps
Comment by NatureJunkie on January 13, 2009 at 5:15pm
My feeling about it is that LV is a fantasticly designed platform. I think it's better than any other vid-sharing site for design reasons. I also think that it's either about to go completely under, or it's about to be sold on the cheap, owing to the complete lack of vision the company has had since Greenspan bought it, so whether users stay or go is probably a moot point. My hope is that it will be bought by someone who recognizes the enormous potential to combine the best of YouTube and Twitter in one site. If that happens, excellent--those who stuck it out will be happy they stayed. If that doesn't happen and the site disappears soon with bankruptcy, then everyone's channels will be gone anyway. Right now, I'm still there because staying gives me options I won't have if I delete my channel. But I'm close to being persuaded by Sedona Leigh, that staying is a form of passive consent. I always reserve the right to change my mind.
Comment by jinboy on January 13, 2009 at 5:53pm
LV used to be something special 2 years ago
its amazing how such a short time a great thing can turn srsly sour

the reason i keep the channel open? crazy ass pe that it will get sorted out and the x rated crap gets ditched

hey one dreame right? riggghhhhttttttt
Comment by Surfcottage on January 14, 2009 at 12:59pm
Simplistically.... I hate moving
Comment by deepinthewoods on January 14, 2009 at 3:30pm
Yes it isn't a great platform anymore is it. I'm thinking of keeping my channel in case it improves but privating everything.
Comment by ferdz ines on January 16, 2009 at 7:38am
I think I told you I am a NUT in love with that site..
well..I just refuse to die there..I dont know..
anyway, I see all those 'cool' LV peeps have gone here, so that GREAT and AWESOME news!!!
Comment by Dunleavy on January 24, 2009 at 11:07am
I go to LV so rarely I wasn't aware how bad it's gotten. I thought most of the complaints were because it took so long to upload there. My videos aren't viewed much although I feel some of them are decent. Ever since MrPoe began his war with the shape shifters and the unnamed one, my vids are all one starred and marked to be missed. I don't want to support their trash though, so....I guess that will be a Monday project for me to get my channel down.


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