Whatever floats your boat...
Right well firstly thanks to all who are taking part, commenting etc on the 30 second vids. Great to see so many cool videos on the Ark.
Secondly I'm slighty stuck with a viewing problem right now. I'm using acomputer where I'm currently living cos I have no wi-fi access to use mine but for some reason videos won't play. I'm using a guest account so can't install the necessary things as I don't have the admin permissions.
So I will be catching up with watching and commenting on everyones videos as soon as I can get to a free wi-fi spot (something Americans in much more abundance than the tight wad English).
Thanks again!
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Thank you, kind sir. It is good of you to explain your absence in advance so that we don't worry about you.
After shaking her finger at you last week, Ruth is now going to have to provide a signed note for the principal to explain her AWOL this week.
Jeeez....!! I suppose I should be glad that someone noticed :-)
Zach and I were busy sharing a flu bug. Fun times. I could've captured it on video, but it wouldn't have been pleasant...
Okay. I'll post a vid for you, then. Here- You're covered for about 8 days :
<p><a href="http://vimeo.com/25208339">WAKARUSA 2011 (Canon 550D 60fps)</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/brandonsloan">Brandon Sloan</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
If that stutters ^ go to Brandon Sloan on Vimeo to see it. You'll be glad you did.
Key words if you need 'em : Wakarusa 2011
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