The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Photo2010's Blog – November 2011 Archive (2)

Just another day.


Yesterday I turned 60, (kind of how an over-ripe banana turns), but I made it.


I got a bunch of messages on Facebook from people I haven't seen in 40+

years. People I went to grammar school and high school with. It was good

read their messages.


One message that surprised me was a reply on Twitter to a message I

sent. Here are my message and the reply:…


Added by photo2010 on November 14, 2011 at 2:50am — 10 Comments

L*O*V*E is also a 4-letter word.

I guess the older I get, (and I'll be 60 on Nov. 13), the more cynical I have become.

The fact that the only two people who ever loved me unconditionally are gone

probably has a lot to do with this.


Then there are other people who say they 'love' me, yet they are on a new campaign

to put me in a nursing home. Why now? Because they are planning to retire to

Europe and feel that would be best for me. When my Mom was here, she was able



Added by photo2010 on November 2, 2011 at 4:32am — 5 Comments

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