With the news today of the passing of Walter Cronkite, an icon of my childhood and throughout my life, and all the other recent deaths of celebrated figures, does anyone else find themselves dwelling on their own mortality? I mean, we may not have known these people personally, but they
did exist somewhere in our synapses and grey matter. Maybe I'm feeling this more than those who have children? I always hear that children are a person's 'legacy'. Is that how those of you who are parents… Continue
Paul McCartney is on Letterman tonight for the first time. At the Ed Sullivan Theatre, where The Beatles first played in the U.S.A. (That's where the Letterman show is taped) That is… Continue
Added by photo2010 on July 15, 2009 at 10:00pm —
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7am, just wanted to leave a quick message before sleep. I just stopped in a live room
on LV and there was a lot of chat going on about the future of LV. Turned out Brad Greenspan,
creator of LiveUniverse, was there and getting hit with a lot of questions like why the 18+ section is so easy to access by underaged folks, LV terrorism, (haters) on LV, legal issues, etc. One thing I found
interesting is that live content will soon function via cellphone according to Brad.
He… Continue