The Ark

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Jinboy's Blog – April 2009 Archive (2)

the majestic toilet

an old blog but still im doing it

A crazy thought

i was sitting down today in of all places the toilet (best place to think i feel)

and a thought popped into my head

why are some humans destructive

destructive as in there only answer to a porblem is to blow the living hell out of it

and I was wondering were this destructive mind set comes from

and i got to thinking alot of destructive things have been going on lately

like the hurracaines and… Continue

Added by jinboy on April 28, 2009 at 6:54pm — 1 Comment


Hai Fellow arkians

I have been pondering on things of late, pondering more heavily on my studies of forensic science. As many others of my generation who have opted to become forensic scientists they as myself have been influenced by programs like the CSI franchise, NCIS and other programs based on the genre.

Of late I have been going through a series called Bones and the graphic nature of the program shows me how gruesome people can be. As much as these programs aare… Continue

Added by jinboy on April 24, 2009 at 9:36pm — 2 Comments

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