The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Chig's Blog (61)

sexy...... or serial killer in the making?

Should I be worried that Dogmom likes this?   Every song is a blood bath.

Sure its catchy...

Going back to listening to  Damien Rice now.

Added by Chig on November 11, 2014 at 11:53am — 11 Comments


Dang.   NPR has all of the new Damien Rice Album.  It's going to be a week before I get my hands on a physical copy of this thing.  

My Favourite Faded Fantasy    <- NPR Link.

I am stunned....   So beautiful. Kind of blown away by "It takes alot to know a man" and really moved by "trusty and true".    The Lyrics are not as poetic as in the…


Added by Chig on November 4, 2014 at 7:09pm — 3 Comments

ms. bones

I took advantage of a chair at work where someone had retired and they have yet to replace her.…


Added by Chig on October 26, 2014 at 1:44am — 12 Comments

happy fright fest

Added by Chig on October 2, 2014 at 5:41pm — 5 Comments

I seemed to have taken a bad turn.

Evidently I am LOST.…


Added by Chig on September 21, 2014 at 4:26am — 6 Comments

..... and now for a little classical music interlude.

Found my stack of optical disks with LV videos.   Have yet to go through them.

Liking the connection themes of Lima's blog... Blanch saw that one right away as inspiration for a project.

It makes me think what if everyone wrote a different story about a main character, beginning to end... and then the challenge would be all of the writers think of ways to merge the stories or character interactions

Oh wait.... I promised a musical interlude....…


Added by Chig on August 21, 2014 at 2:22pm — 4 Comments


This is just early free flow thoughts.... maybe just a poor idea... dunno.

First off, I like to think in terms of positive outcome....

It seems that all of us came together for one major project, we could move mountains.  Tell me what kind of mountains you would like to move.   How would you make this planet a little better?


What kind of stories do you like?

Do some of you remember sometime ago an animated…


Added by Chig on August 5, 2014 at 11:33pm — 46 Comments

Esta Noche

Just 'cause it is cool to hear something recentish  from an old friend.

Added by Chig on August 4, 2014 at 3:25am — 6 Comments


Not sure everyone knows but I am working every other week   (7 blocks of 10 hour shifts followed by 7 free days of catching p on doing stuff) so  forgive me if I drop off the radar every other week.

There was a rare happening with my favorite cactus this year, and sadly I missed it due to work conflict.  (several blooms went into stall and we had a second bloom…


Added by Chig on July 13, 2014 at 12:36pm — 5 Comments

Just a reminder of our silent member's page

(okay so a lot of us are not that talkative....)

Collectivesole  has a video page.

It could be a kind of lost and found page for vids if you like.   I know some folks are missing some earlier videos that others of us may have   .Any thoughts?

Added by Chig on May 24, 2014 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

So am I the only one who missed this?

The Narrator of the LV Movie

Here's remembering Inspector…


Added by Chig on October 23, 2013 at 2:20am — 6 Comments

As we are sharing Vimeo artists

Check this guy out.   I promise you that your eyes have never feasted on these music / videography / choreographed pieces before...

Something must be slightly wrong with me, because I still chuckle at the choreography at the end of "Like Mike".

"Like Mike" - Daniel Cloud Campos from Daniel…


Added by Chig on September 15, 2013 at 9:37am — 17 Comments

Onederland is no more. Fart videos are all the rage?

Series cancelled perhaps due to lack of interest?

Damn it!   I will never know what happened to those 3s.

Evidently fart videos are more interesting.

If they are not here is your chance to voice your opinion:

I can't link you to Onederland, but here is the episode just prior to Onederland

Here is a fart video:…


Added by Chig on August 1, 2013 at 10:06am — 8 Comments

For those that missed it.... There is an entire movie in the blogs below.

BSG Blood and Chrome has concluded and will available on BluRay and on the SyFy channel in February.

Here is the link to the blog.   The movie is in 10 parts and Hi Definition.

New BSG is here,,,, sort of

Added by Chig on December 7, 2012 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Intellegent design? DNA and RNA are not by men-god design, but XNA is.

Are we now gods?  Can those who strive to be super intelligent life creators still fart ,tweet and blog about stuff that no one wants to read?

What is XNA?

Synthetic DNA evolves on its…


Added by Chig on November 19, 2012 at 11:09pm — 5 Comments

New BSG is here now.... sort of......


Part One

Part Two

Looks like they are initially releasing in Webisode format (not sure of release schedule) before the Feb TV and BluRay…


Added by Chig on November 11, 2012 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

Its coming...... next Spring

Added by Chig on November 10, 2012 at 10:43am — 6 Comments

I can't help but wonder WHERE

Where is that Redbull Stratos going to come down?  

What goes up must come down after all. 

Added by Chig on October 16, 2012 at 12:31am — 3 Comments

machines and music

While the windbags are "debating" (more like talking over each other and evading questions) on TV I am watching this:

Added by Chig on October 3, 2012 at 9:58pm — 2 Comments

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