Great first question, Syd! The challenges that came to my mind were preserving the planet, wiping out poverty (including famine and disease), and ending all violence. I think ending violence as a way to solve differences would have to be the greatest one. The challenge is great not only because it is so difficult (to break the pattern that's been so pervasive throughout history), but also because it would be such a triumph if we found a way to forever avoid physical confrontation of any kind (from bullying to domestic abuse to riots to terrorism to all-out war). I know it would give me the greatest joy. Is it possible to fulfill this challenge? I doubt it, but we have to keep trying.
I don't know if I should answer this, because at present I am pretty much revulsed by the state of humanity and lack of caring on a personal level and on a global level. (there are glorious exceptions right here on the Ark, happy to say) I can say that if humanity is lacking within families and communities, we shouldn't expect it from our leaders.
my current challenge is recording a response that I won't second guess and delete.
Comment by BlancheNoE on April 23, 2009 at 11:16pm
I'm with you, Kat. I'm planning on doing this but I've either not had enough time to think about it, or I've been thinking about it too much. Syd, I hope you're collecting these clips. I would love to see them all back to back.
Comment by Smokescreen on April 25, 2009 at 12:22am
Humanity's greatest challenge...
That's easy,its just being humane.
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