The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Sunday PSA- The Cheesier Edition (Jan 25)

Happy birthweek to PyperMarru & MrPoe! And RUTH....?

New Monthly Music Video collab!! Put your suggestions for songs HERE

Doug's website- check it out!

Views: 192

Comment by flophousepoodle on January 26, 2009 at 1:09pm
Nice vlog. I understand what you say about deleting - that it is deleting history #1 and possibility #2. I like that the ark has remained undefined. All styles of video seem to be welcome.
I agree about VH- some of the debates are so old to me. - I don't even watch.
When it comes to vlogs - I often wish to see vlogs from users who don't and non vlogs from those who do - well rounded glimpses I suppose.
Can you get replies for this site like they have on VH?
Comment by Dunleavy on January 26, 2009 at 1:22pm
Thanks for the bday shout out to MrPoe! : ) Now I'm gonna make myself a cheese omelet.
Comment by Mysti Mayhem on January 26, 2009 at 6:04pm
I LOVE CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of Aquarians are vloggers yeah?

I don't care enough about my own opinions to permanently capture them. I think a vlog is like an echo, and there are some things I have in my mind that I do not wish to echo forever. I also look at my body of vlogs, and I believe that my body of work is more important than the individual vlogs I put up...kind of like, if I feel pissy and want to inflict my negativity out onto a site, I think about that, and think about that one vlog in the rest of my flowerbed.... and it is a weed, not a flower... I dunno. I am totally thinking parallel to your video as I listen. haha I heart mind candy. I liked your long-ass vlog. :)
Comment by Dreamcatcher on January 26, 2009 at 6:43pm
What did Bikini News do with their old bikini's? I wonder if I could buy them. Hope they didn't wash them.
Comment by Trimaddog on January 26, 2009 at 6:49pm
Never really understood deleting a channel... I always thought if what that person did was worth doing in the first place, why not leave a record of it?Foot prints in the sand to be discovered or followed by others. No need to be maintained... just leave it so some future vlogeroligist can find it and marvel at our primitive renderings! It's a shared history for as long as it is there. If it is lost because of LV or UT going under or the collapse of modern financial system that takes with it all that we thought we had acquired... well then it will be out of our hands anyway. I agree with your view Syd, though others may totally disagree... that's cool too! I've always felt that those who do take their channels down must have a good reason and that if explained would make perfect sense once I stood in there shoes a bit.
Anyway Great Vlog Syd!!!
Comment by ferdz ines on January 26, 2009 at 7:57pm
will you dip that cheese in nutella?
Comment by Jim on January 26, 2009 at 8:43pm
"Eating with your mouthful" again, eh, Syd? Hahaha!

I would never want to watch vlogs exclusively, nor would I want to watch entertaining vids exclusively. Variety is the spice of life. The same is true about the vids I make.

I heard someone say once that videos only have a two-day life span. That may be true regarding the majority of their views, but some vids still get views, hits, even comments months after they're made. The reason is, new people keep coming on board who have never seen them. Especially if you use tags, which can keep the views coming by people searching for a particular subject matter.

I could never delete my channel. A channel is much more than the vids posted on it. The comments are what make the vids (and channels) alive and interesting, IMO. The blogs, the photos, the announcements, even the private messages are a fascinating historical record (although the pm's can only be read by the channel owner). I sometimes enjoy discovering a channel on LV that hasn't had any activity for months, but still has some wonderful gems on it, and in some cases a whole slice of LiveVideo life.

As for video-making burnout, the waning of compulsive video-making, the shifting of priorities, or whatever you want to call it, it does happen to many of us. I'm certainly making fewer videos, but not because of any lack of desire. I just don't have the free time for it anymore, in part because I spend more time now relating to others on these sites. I've made so many friends in the last two years (who have now scattered to assorted places on the Internet), and it takes some doing to stay in touch with everyone. But I could easily make a new video every day if I had all the time in the world. That would be my idea of heaven! And that's the carrot on the stick that keeps me coming back to these sites several times a day.
Comment by jinboy on January 28, 2009 at 1:58am
Hai! new people :D
i love it i wanna see the rest of the nasty song :P:P:P
as for vlogging i randomly say anything TBH LOL i think people need to talk more about issues they have because its nice to let it go, i tend to do that with blogs may do it one time with a vlog LOL

i wonder how that will turm out :P:P:P
Comment by Ken (aka rivrvlogr) on January 28, 2009 at 7:42pm
Am I let down? No. I take it day by day, although there have been more gaps in my involvement, which seems to be mostly at VloggerHeads at this point. I see that as having a better handle on my “addiction”. (I hate that word. Maybe I won’t after detox.)


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