Of course you're angry, FHP - you need to buy a looser jock strap!
It's surprising enough, when you take off that sweatshirt, to discover a man with lady lumps, but the Candyland tee put my cognitive dissonance on overload.
I love houses that have a route to run laps, and if there are dogs to chase me, all the better.
Fabulous ending, all that seriousness just had to crumble. =)
yusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss cakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i so want to favorite this and find it later...i'm gonna fav it...but i'm not sure if i will be able to find it later...so i'll just keep clicking on your page a million times to watch it over and over again :)
It looks like all those grueling bad-ass work outs are paying off. The dogs are so obviously frightened of you. You rock,...and Cake is always good.
Comment by Pypermarru1 on April 5, 2009 at 11:26am
YOu are greatness in video. for whatever reason the whole....run, grab the water, run sequence had me laughing louder then usual.
BTW....try coffee for the beard next time...it seeps in and gives ya extra energy...ha.
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