The Ark

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Jim's Comments

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At 3:51am on December 10, 2009, Jim added a gift to their profile…
At 3:50am on December 10, 2009, Jim added a gift to their profile…
At 3:50am on December 10, 2009, Jim added a gift to their profile…
At 3:49am on December 10, 2009, Jim added a gift to their profile…
At 3:49am on December 10, 2009, Jim added a gift to their profile…
So you won't be giftless.
At 5:52pm on December 8, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
Happy Birthday, nicest man on the internet ! Hope your new year rocks Jim.
At 2:43pm on December 8, 2009, pendragon said…
Howdy Jim
Greetings from Not-Europe
I’d like to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Keep on Truckin.

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At 1:28am on September 20, 2009, SydTheSkeptic said…
Thanks for the sweet comment Jim. :o)
At 11:04am on August 16, 2009, LtAdams2247 said…
As far as good people go, you're an example to the species. Just so you know ;-)
At 4:18pm on August 8, 2009, SaboCatGirl said…
one of the best eh? must be watching my videos on acid or something. I'm just on here checking things out...we'll see how it goes. I haven't really been doing videos much lately. I want a new camera... but can't afford one now that I am unemployed and homeless. haha
At 5:57pm on July 24, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
Hope your weekend is full of romance (the good kind, not the scary kind).
At 2:37pm on May 15, 2009, ferdz ines said…
Il call you 'Jim' here..
in LV, gladtobehere..
in Facebook, now will call you 'James'
take care brotha!
At 8:38am on May 4, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
THANK YOU Jim ! I've been singing Homer's " Spider Pig" theme for three days now. Great minds think alike.
At 6:26am on April 9, 2009, ferdz ines said…
ramones Pictures, Images and Photos
At 9:55pm on March 26, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
Hi Jim, the people in the tags on "Blanchdragon" are all the LiveVididians that we've been able to meet up with in person,...except for Sedona's ass,...but we dream about her ass so often that it seems real to us,...and as far as Yu-Gi-Oh cards,...YES !,..we should totally have user trading cards. I'll bet MOTC would be great at writing the stats on the backs. I can see it now,...
." I'll trade you 5 Chigs for a Syd or an Xfashionfascist,... "
At 11:28pm on March 25, 2009, SydTheSkeptic said…
It IS wonderful!!!!!
At 1:42pm on March 25, 2009, Mango8260 said…
Great video Jim! Can you post some of the photos on your page so I can steal them? Awsome pic's! Thanks again and untill next time. xoxo Mango xoxo
At 5:57pm on March 24, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
Anxiously awaiting the SF meet up slide show over here *bites fists*
At 5:13am on March 21, 2009, ae777ed said…
At 10:32pm on February 26, 2009, BlancheNoE said…
hey, I replied to your reply at 3headedbaby's place over at that other internet bar.

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