The Ark

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"There's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap... Me." ―The Doctor

i have seen the first episode and loved it it'll be on BBC America on the 17th April check it out

Views: 13

Comment by pendragon on April 7, 2010 at 12:32pm
Howdy jinboy
Greetings from Not Europe
I’ve heard of Dr. Who but have never seen the show. Looks interesting and one still can
depend on the BBC. Thanks.
Comment by jinboy on April 8, 2010 at 11:04pm
hey pen
yep the beeb is ery dependable especialy as they have their own tv tax in the uk LOL
dr who is a legendary show thats been on and off since the 60s it was off air for a long time but the recent renewal has been awesome, the new doctor is awesome not to many peoples tastes but he plays it very well.

If you do get to watch it look out for the fish fingers and custard scene i tried it. it was yum ;) hahahaha
Comment by NatureJunkie on April 9, 2010 at 3:31pm
One of my local public TV stations used to show Dr. Who reruns every Friday night. I watched a few episodes now and then just to keep up my cultural literacy, but I realized early on that there were too many decades of history with it to ever catch up. I guess the new series will allow a whole new generation to start with it from scratch!
Comment by jinboy on April 9, 2010 at 5:59pm
thats one of he best things about doctor who the current doctor is the 11th reincarnation and with every new doctor you get a whole new personality which is nice instead of having the same personality for 50 years.

The new series which began in 04-05 that began with the 9th doctor who lasted one season did a good job then the 10th doctor went on for 3 seasons he was amzing and many thought he was irreplacable but now in the 5th season matt smith has begun awesomely.

I am a bit biased i love the concept of a time traveller stoping evil at every turn as long as the stroy is great the person playing the role does not bother me much LOL


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