The Ark

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Lessons in Ironing or The Mister Green Jeans Incident

When I was about 4 or 5 years old I watched the Captain Kangaroo Show religiously. No Mister Rogers for me. As an adult I discovered the charm of Mister Rogers, but as a kid I needed more action; jingling keys, Dancing Bears, falling ping pong balls, and such. I really liked Mister Green Jeans too. I can't even remember why now. Perhaps I dug his colorful dungarees.

One day Mom bought a package of Oscar Meyer Wieners for lunch. Inside was a free plastic hand puppet. Since my brothers and sisters were still at school I was the lucky recipient of said hand puppet. I got very excited when I saw that it was a Mister Green Jeans puppet. I ran outside to show my friends. We began to play and I put the puppet in my pants pocket so that I wouldn't lose it. Later I took it out only to discover that it was totally wrinkled. "Oh no!" I thought "I've ruined it!"

Then the lightbulb went off in my mind. I can iron it just like I iron daddy's handkerchiefs. So I went into the house and into my Mom's room. The ironing board was already set up, so I turned on the iron to let it get warm. I laid my wrinkled Mister Green Jeans puppet on the ironing board and picked up the warm iron and gently pressed my puppet, which instantly melted and stuck to Mom's iron. And that is the moment when I learned that you can't iron plastic puppets.

Views: 10

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on January 12, 2009 at 8:45pm
You're so lucky.
I didn't learn that lesson 'til I was 32.


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