Comment by BlancheNoE on August 18, 2009 at 8:35am
Here's what I know. I work for one of those big companies. I had Blue Cross 6 years ago when I was opening an old under water flashlight of my father's and got battery acid shot into my eyes. I was rushed to the emergency room. My insurance was full-coverage, no co-pay or deductible.
6 months later I received a bill for over 700 dollars. Blue Cross said I hadn't had the emergency room visit approved so they wouldn't pay. I did the math and figured out that I had put 15000.00 into their pockets over the years only to be denied the first time I used my insurance. It's bullshit and I'm so frustrated at this point that I'm willing to take a chance of out of the frying pan into the fire. SOMETHING has got to change. I changed my insurance to major medical but I am still paying a huge chunk of my paycheck for that, and I was required by Homeland Security to have my husband (German) covered before they would even consider issuing him a green card,...for those of you saying immigrants are covered for free,..not the legal ones, kids. ,..and puhLEESE make television drug advertising ILLEGAL !!! We are the only country in the world where drugs are sold to adults like children are sold sugary breakfast cereals on Saturday mornings,..and drugs can be altered slightly, patents re-issued so the drug companies can sell OLD drugs as NEW and IMPROVED drugs, exCLUsively again, when they are NOTHING OF THE SORT ! ARRRrrghhhhhh
As bad as insurance companies are GOVERNMENT IS FAR WORSE.... They need to reform themselves and the insurance companies... not just insurance companies and the healthcare industry.
I established that the costs have been driven sky high by the current system, because money is not paid out by Uncle Sam or the insurance companies. It is expected in full from Joe Public who cannot afford a Lawyer. Imagine now you can't afford insurance. Your only choice is use the Government and the Government pays as little as it can get away with... It makes it harder every passing year to get paid by them. Who do you go to when the doors close on that hospital who can't maintain an operating margin?
correction on the above statement... I believe is starts with reforming the Government and then Insurance companies... And the Healthcare industry should lower its costs when reimbursement is more inline with keeping them afloat.
The other correction is Joe Public has one other choice... to not get medical treatment from professionals. That is probably not the best of choices, but a choice none the less. Okay, I really end it here now.
As you all know by now, I had a kid with cancer. I have insurance stories that would curl your hair, but I'll spare you...
Here's an article I wrote for our local paper when I covered a single-payer education forum. I don't know why this concept hasn't received more support or coverage from regular folks. Since it virtually eliminates insurance companies, I can see the fight involved...but it sure sounds to me like it would be worth it!
Comment by Pypermarru1 on August 18, 2009 at 11:41am
Canada is in the process of bringing back the private option to Canadians. They are saying that the government run health care is not working in the way they had hoped. They are having a health care debate of their own.
UK government run health care is so far in debt the government is imploding on itself. They can not sustain the increasing health care cost and our currently looking at ways to cut back. What do you think the cut back will be?
UK's Daniel Hannon is warning Americans about the issue.
The vlog brothers video guy says that a government Option "will not in any way eliminate private insurers" That is complete bullshit. He is being willfully ignorant because he goes on to say (paraphrasing) that the insurance companies don't want a private option because they know that the government is larger and therefore able to negotiate lower prices which will make people more inclined to use the public option.
Exactly, the government is larger and can demand lower prices, it will put private insurance out of business. Companies will gladly move employees to public option reducing their overhead significantly. They will take the ONE TIME government fine proposed by the president, because in the long run they save money.
How could this not lead to Universal Health Care or Single Payer, which ever you call it?
If you want UHC or PO then say so but don't shake your head in disgust and ridicule "death panels" and the nonsensical debate on that issue, then go on to say that a public option will in no way eliminate private insurers.
Both are untrue.
I just realized that I am responding to Video guy as if he will ever see
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 18, 2009 at 1:59pm
lol- go get 'im Pyper!!!
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 18, 2009 at 2:01pm
Ruth- great article!! I'm gonna learn more about it.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 18, 2009 at 2:05pm
Sara- the whole thing is downright draconian! It seems everyone's got a story to tell about how bad it's been and I remember how vilified Hillary Clinton was in the early 90's for suggesting it needed an overhaul.
Almost twenty years later, I wonder how many people have died and are not on record for not getting the health care they needed. Social Darwinism is what it's been.
It’s somewhat confusing to see how the best democracy money can buy, works.
I was under the impression that this was supposed to be a “government of the people, by the people, for the people. It seems that the people have a dread of government, which would translate to a fear of themselves.
I see legislation being purchased by whoever has the deepest pockets and find paying a health insurance company, primarily dedicated to it’s stockholders and not the customer, somewhat risky.
As a long time “victim” of socialized health care insurance I paid a certain amount per month and received comprehensive coverage. No such thing as “pre-existing conditions” or deductibles influencing premiums. If I was sick, I got treated. I chose the doctor. I didn’t lose my job, I didn’t risk my house or livelihood. I see it as normal part of being a moderately advanced civilized society. By taking care of each other we ultimately take care of ourselves.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on August 18, 2009 at 4:15pm
Pen, check THIS interview out of Wendell Potter by Bill Moyers. Potter is blowin' the lid off just exactly what the insurance industry has done from an insider's point of knowledge. Essentially, they see the public as a bottomless ATM.
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