Steve is member #100.
I was thinkin', when I built the ARK, that we'd get maybe thirty, forty people tops. We not only have a hundred members now, but we got almost that many responding to a survey, which means people are not only signing up, but tuning in!
So here's the deal...gonna open this place up for anyone who wants to put their bags down. That basically means I take back what I said about it being temporary. Because even if LV does come back (by some slim chance), this is still a nice place to call home.
So feel free to store your vids here. That means upload your stuff- as much as you want. I promise this place will stay put as long is Ning is around (and that's a good prospect). Anyway, you know that's not my style. I'm so boring and consistent. lol
Seriously, we have a great, eclectic group of folks here that I'm proud to be with on this little ship.

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