The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I haven't vlogged in months.
But beginning Sunday, I'll vlog every day for THIRTY days if I can get THIRTY fellow vloggers to pledge ONE dollar each day I put a video up.

If this happens, I promise to put as much time, energy, and honesty into the vids as I possibly can.

I have ideas, promises to keep, bets to pay up (a booty shake, for one..), and lots to talk about.

I needed something to get me back into it- maybe this is it.

Thirty's a lot, though. And times are tough.

Can we do this?
Are you game?

Views: 33

Comment by JustAnotherUserName on November 30, 2010 at 10:55pm
I'm in :-)
Comment by JoAnn on November 30, 2010 at 11:27pm
I pledge a dollor for each video for 30 days. Anything to get you back on the Ark. Miss your videos so much.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on November 30, 2010 at 11:28pm
Thanks Ruth!!
Thanks JoAnn!!
Comment by AnnelidaFilms on December 1, 2010 at 1:21am
You had me at "booty shake."

I know, men are pigs.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on December 1, 2010 at 1:33am
Thank gosh. I thought that would actually scare people away. ;o)
Comment by Marie on December 1, 2010 at 7:08am
*pitches loonies at Syd* Shake your booty woman! Personal request: a song please. Doesn't have to be fancy... it's just been ages since you sang... *sigh*

Fook! Now I have to figure out how to use PayPal. *techophobe grumble*
Comment by Chig on December 1, 2010 at 9:35am
Ah, I have my $80 at the ready. I just have to get SA Murray to give me the change in $1 bills
Comment by NatureJunkie on December 1, 2010 at 12:36pm
I have a special request too, Syd. Would you talk about how Boodah Girl came into your life? I just know there's a good story there. (All stories involving dogs are good stories.)
Comment by spacemonkey1310 on December 1, 2010 at 7:18pm
I'm in. Dollar per vid. Be good to see you again.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on December 1, 2010 at 8:14pm
@Marie- you got it!
@NatureJunkie- You bet! And yes, it is a cool story. :o)
Chig & Dan- Got some unfinished bizness wid da both of ya so watch yer backs.


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