The Ark

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Final BlancheNoE update,... the next she can do herself

Howdy Folks

Greetings from Not Europe

    I am relieved.

   BlancheNoE was prowling the halls today. Prevented from doing cartwheels simply because the drip could not keep up. She only has one tube left, going into her neck, which is also my personal favorite because it leaves your hands free and doesn’t get so tangled in the bed sheets and as an added bonus, doesn’t hurt, like the one on top of the hand.

   She had the last wound drain removed. It leaked enough to warrant a stitch and as the Doctor prepared the needle with the local anesthetic, Blanche had nothing better to do than to glare at him and say,

   “This better not leave a scar!”

   I could see her out on Monday. That would mean, in and out in a week. 

   Which has me thinking about all the positive energy you folks have been sending our way. I kept her posted by printing out your comments and bringing them to her.

   We are looking forward to being with Ruth. 

   Which again has me thinking about all the positive energy you folks have been sending our way. I’d personally like to thank all of you for what it did for me. I find your messages very reassuring and uplifting. I don’t feel alone in my struggle and this I can convert into strength. Thank you all.

Views: 376

Comment by JustAnotherUserName on December 17, 2011 at 9:37pm

Flight arrangements pending...I'll call you tomorrow to confirm :-)

Comment by Marie on December 17, 2011 at 10:10pm

Whoot! Whoot! 

*massive virtual hug for Amy, John, and Ruth*

Life is good!

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on December 17, 2011 at 10:11pm

Ruth is comin'? Holy cow, that's awesome!

Comment by gabrielized on December 17, 2011 at 11:19pm

Awesome news, I can see Amy prowling the halls lol.  Positive energy still heading your way, but now, get some rest kind sir!

Comment by Victoria on December 18, 2011 at 12:41am

have you left a cam with Blanche ?  she just might be ready to catch some candid camera  hospital gown peak a boo shots on innocent strangers :)

Comment by John Frenken on December 18, 2011 at 5:56am

Iàm very glad that everything is so good. And i hope she got out there on monday.

I remember the last time that i was with Pendragon in a Hospital in Holland for sterilization, and pen said to me, what are you waiting for ? Let go outside ill do it, i assure you!  We take two cobblestones that goes faster!

Comment by photo2010 on December 18, 2011 at 7:51am

There are such things as miracles! You and Amy are in my continuing thoughts and prayers, and Ruth, you are doing a wonderful thing, truly a great friend.

Comment by lima on December 18, 2011 at 8:12am

I laughed a little over the "better not leave a scar" remark, and its just really great to hear that all is going well and that Amy is up and moving and has her spirits up!  How wonderful to have Ruth out there with you!  Keeping you both in my thoughts!  

Comment by NatureJunkie on December 18, 2011 at 12:21pm

I'm sorry that I've been incommunicado for the last three days and unable to continue a stream of good wishes through words, but you two have been in my thoughts the whole time. I had a strong feeling at this time last year that the transplant was going to happen for Amy this year. I'm glad she's coming home--hospitals are wonderful for treatment, but lousy places to heal!

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on December 18, 2011 at 1:48pm

Amy's got a new liver.  

Amy's gonna kick ass in a future Adams flick.

Amy's gonna be a rock star healthcare advocate and fight the good fight for those who still suffer.

Amy's gonna honor the person whose liver she got- She's gonna make it count.

Amy's gonna live without that pain and that cloud following her around.  

Amy's gonna sing again.


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