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Posted on January 22, 2012 at 6:30am 8 Comments 1 Favorite
Posted on August 23, 2011 at 8:42am 3 Comments 0 Favorites
Astronomer and blogger Ian Musgrave from South Australia has been active in debunking the misinformation and nonsense that is being disseminated about Comet Elenin. He has written several wonderful posts featuring the actual realities of this long-period lump of dirty ice that has, for some reason, attracted the attention of doomsdayers, 2012ers, and end-of-the-world scaremongers. Earlier this week, Ian’s…
ContinuePosted on March 17, 2011 at 3:50am 1 Comment 0 Favorites
This is alarming and could be helpful to consider these protective measures for you and your family.
It looks like two or three of the reactors at Fukushima are in the
process of melting down. In case you haven’t heard, reactor 1
literally blew up. I flew within several hundred miles of Tokyo last
nite when we left Seoul, South Korea. It was all over Seoul TV.
American television is covering it up, but that won't last for long.
It is bad. Probably the…
Posted on February 21, 2011 at 6:18pm 1 Comment 0 Favorites
"There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved." -Ludwig Von Mises
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tsup???? are you there?
https://soundcloud.com/thatgirl99/pom <--i did this one night-had enuf of the BS.
Not doing much lately! busy being injured, playing lawyer, doctor, teacher,construction dude, Real estate agent, saving lives, pioneering the unknown, executing my escape from New Jersey,working when not crippled, being surveiled by an insane neighbor, replacing tires as he punctures them, filling out police reports, staying to myself, trying to dance when that one window of opportunity peeks in just so i can catch it on video...cause the worse hasnt happened yet.
so I'd say,, im just hangin around doing nothing.
happy day....
Thanks for the good wishes. I wish the same to you, Badboy. That look is for a music video. no idea if I will ever release it or which version but it's sure been fun to create the music and the visuals!
for you:
I'm Trying to come back...brushing off, washed my face, cleaning up and gonna put on that fake smile, tie my laces tight and Fake it Til I Make it Again...This is helping me right now...
I hope you enjoy Sia...there is a more relaxed version somewhere but for now, while I nurse my wounds, I need this kind of energy
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