The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

Mine is to ignore critiques of movies.

We watched Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp in The Lone Ranger last night and found it to be brilliant on nearly all known levels. ;   (click on 2013 film from within this link)

There's a lot of "Little Big Man" in there.

Also I will try to remember to meditate every day even if it's only for 3 minutes.

Views: 106

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on January 1, 2015 at 9:15pm

Amy, I spent most of today thinking about the year ahead and decisions I need to make so my resolutions are very specific (more like short-term goals leading to the long-term ones).  They generally are health- and spirit- related, but meditation is definitely a part of that plan.

More adventure, too.

I'll give The Lone Ranger a look cuz I was turned off by bad reviews, too. 

Happy new year, and light.  ;o)

Comment by ThatGirl on January 2, 2015 at 12:54pm

Happy New Year Amy (and John)

I try to ignore anyone who claims to be a critic of anything they cannot do well themselves, most especially Art critics of any type. Sometimes it's good to know not to waste money on an absolute failure of a film, but most times, I go with my gut, looks like you do too.

I wondered if the Trailer for Lone Ranger did it a disservice by being too vague and trippy.  for me, that's an invitation but maybe to the masses, it didn't translate well.

Who knows.

My resolution; Never eat a magic cookie, ever again

Comment by NatureJunkie on January 2, 2015 at 1:59pm

I made my list yesterday, which I will now hang on my refrigerator as I do every year to remind myself of what my goals are. Because I'm forgetful when I'm trying to hold onto a thought for a whole year.

I have three biggies:

1. Get a knee replacement so I can get my life back.

2. Find a better job so I can get my life back.

(Sub-list goes here of things to do to make numbers 1 and 2 possible.)

3. Buy an easy chair. I've wanted one for years. I do a lot of reading and have no comfortable place to do it. I'm going shopping today. Why postpone joy?

La-Z-Boy, here I come.

Comment by NatureJunkie on January 2, 2015 at 2:01pm

#4. Watch The Lone Ranger. In my new easy chair.

Comment by BlancheNoE on January 3, 2015 at 9:42am

Hi guys. Interesting that I can't link directly to the 2013 film wikipedia link. Just tried it again and it takes you to the Original series wikipedia page. I added the imbd link. Someone really doesn't like this movie...


Comment by SydTheSkeptic on January 3, 2015 at 10:13am

I went to go see if I could stream the movie through Amazon (can't) but there's a great review there that's worth a read. It's the first one listed.  HERE

Comment by Trimaddog on January 6, 2015 at 5:11pm
To get a long list of projects done around the house now that I am retired from teaching. We enjoyed The L.R. as well! Maybe I should put "Make a video for The Ark" on my list too?? It has been a long time.


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