The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

K, Sedona and I are spear-heading the second major CS (the first being Chig's Viral Vid). This one's going to be on an epic scale much like LiveVideo, The Movie was. We'll need a lot of help.

Sedona's going to put the info here...but let's see who's game already?

Parts for all, including crowd scenes and non-singing roles.
Please indicate what the nature of the role you'd consider (singing, non-singing, chorus-type parts, crowd, characters, etc)

Views: 37

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A small bit part, please!
ChrisDeep has just suggested I could be the Fat Lady that sings at the end!!!!!! Now where's that heavy frying pan?
works for me.
I can't sing, dance, act and I have virtually no imagination.

So count me in! I'll volunteer my kid, too, for the midget :-)
OMG, you crack me up....
Heh. Should just be a running joke with all CS projects..

Oh wait, it already is!
Count me in for something. I'm not noted for singing, though know where to aim for. Create custom animated gifs at!

You pick! Look what I can do!
Still on? Already done? Missed it already?
Just found this. heh.
It's one of many projects I hope to be working on this coming year. When the time comes, I can assure you the call for players won't be missed. Hehe
YEAH baby!!!


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