The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

The time at last has arrived (well it will in two days)

Looks like lots of fun. Check out the crowd sourcing vids if you don't believe me...

Con Man Indiegogo Campaign from Con Man Web Series on Vimeo.

Views: 55

Comment by Chig on September 28, 2015 at 6:18pm

It was totally funded a few times over... The release is on the 30th of the month via Vimeo on Demand. You can wait until December if you want to get it on DVD.

Comment by NatureJunkie on October 3, 2015 at 12:41am

I'll not only have to wait til December for the DVD, but beyond that for my library to get the DVD. NatureJunkie is really, really cheap. But I look forward to your review. It's October 2 today, so you've seen it by now, no?


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