Whatever floats your boat...
Johanna is studying fashion design and needed help with a presentation for her english class. Given our video making history how could I say no.
That girl could not get any more beautiful. She's even more beautiful than last time we saw her. This piece shows what you can do when you really care. I'm sure it took a tremendous effort and time. This is a romantic and beautiful piece, very informative and funny as well. Great comedy writing there. Very nice designs, Johanna. I say go for the modeling, Johanna, You are a Darling and you cannot miss! only not with that bastard.
Best English class video evah!
Oh Johanna,...*shakes head*....
I still belong to the Canadian-Kraut he sold me to.
*throws tarnished tiara to floor and stomps on it*
Adams, you have grown soft. I remember when it was not enough to merely crush one's dreams, but rather obliterate them entirely. Johanna looks stunning, and I must admit I can understand her English better than Alek's. Of course with Alek's he usually says his line during his last gasp. Oh happy times.
Excellent! Great Editing! She's in love with a Ken doll! Nice ending scene.
The conspicuous lack of gunfire was beginning to concern me. Had Adams lost his mojo? But the sound thrashing our hero administers at about the three minute mark reassured me that all was well in the Tragic Kingdom. Well done sir, and don't frighten me like that again.
Zis vas eggzellent. I am zo glad zat Germans really do schpeak ze vay I haf alvays heart zem schpeak in ze movies. Johanna, you are a Movie Star! Adams, you are amazing.
the ending is very Adams - I was scared at first but then I see the zombie monster creatures and I can breath easy again.
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