The Ark

Whatever floats your boat...

I made my original inn 2008. Then I saw IB probably 2010 and was amazed at the song/scene selection used for his Female hero character, green eyed girl dressing up to go commit murder.
I had used the same concept AND Song in my edit of an Andromeda scene, (still on my external) doing the same exact thing earlier.
The public version ended up getting a different soundtrack, after a preview.
If I'd stuck to the original, there'd be video evidence I channeled Tarantino before Tarantino channeled Tarantino but Adams and the family previewed it, so there are witnesses.
Inspired by seeing Inglorious- I made a mashup music video
Music: David Bowie - Cat People, Putting Out Fire

The Final Episode is unfinished.Thank you Chig, Maddog-Willie, Chris- Omegasquad, Middle Monk paperboy, Minimonk schoolboy and Rams for getting into character and filming so much for the last episode or two.
Adams - thank you for being her tormentor

Views: 213

Comment by BlancheNoE on September 16, 2014 at 7:56am

There's at least 47 kinds of cool in there and that's after I count some of my favorite humans.

Comment by lima on September 16, 2014 at 8:34pm

Bravo! Very nice :D What happens with the disk?  :D

Comment by Chig on September 16, 2014 at 9:28pm

Dang... I forgot Willie was in the next episode.   I hope someday we see the conclusion just for Willie.... even if it requires a re-shoot.

Comment by Chig on September 16, 2014 at 9:28pm

Oh and this was a fabulous edit as always.

Comment by Geoff on September 18, 2014 at 9:41pm

I'm used to Adams looking menacing and cool but I've never seen Chig looking quite so tough.

I am so in favor of vloggers weaving favorite scenes and movies into their own work the way you did here. More of us should do this (not as samples, parodies, or homages, but vital pieces in a fresh story). The one director who you know would be delighted to see his work used like this is Tarantino.

At one point you seemed to totally inhabit that burning screen, replacing the blonde. I'll have to give it another look to see if I can figure how you did that. How many videos have you made with that character? Have you worked out the end of her story--even just tentatively in your head?

If you ever post the pre-Tarantino version it would be fun to look at.

Comment by LtAdams2247 on September 19, 2014 at 11:25am

I miss tormenting you. If you ever need some more tormenting again, call me. I mean it.

Comment by ThatGirl on September 19, 2014 at 8:18pm

@Amy - yea, Spacemonkey does have about 47 reasons to make another shower video.  oh wait, my meds...

@Lima - I'm thinking, 5 years later, I am best posting the scripts. Hector's disk had the instructions for his hitman for several other hits. She's making a pretty plastic explosive and gonna take a little field trip!  Angie Loves Field Trips. Then lots of other stuff happens and this train ride comes to an end for some and a beginning for others.  Something like that.... 
@ Chig - I am too old now. Time and relevance was really important with this one. I tried rewriting this ending about 5 times. It's one of those things you just can't do if you can't give justice to the original intent. Each main character was written to represent, specifically a very consistent human trait. Krisinteract was a BIG one, i lost him, and there were back story scenes with Dix that never got finished. Even the soundtrack I had all planned, now seems irrelevant.  
The greenroom has undergone several renovations as well. I'm Remembering Inspector Jury seeing the greenroom and being disappointed That Tink wasn't Hanging from pulleys in the ceiling. He was deflated.
Yours and Willie's footage bother me most because you both made such an effort to help me.  Omega had to get emotional-Again, and do the same kind of work.  I've struggled for years with how to tie the ribbon on this one. 
@ Geoff - AH, when i saw Inglorious, i nearly died watching that one scene with the same song playing throughout , carrying it in the same way I had edited MINE a few years earlier. It was surreal. Yea, maybe Tarantino is the type of guy who would get the same kind of feeling to see or know about this happenstance.  A few years ago I made a music video for a Garbage song that didn't HAVE a music video, and Shirley Manson actually saw it and wrote to me, saying.. that WAS SO COOL!  little things like that make all the work seem worthwhile.
@Adams - Why does this comment scare me?
Comment by ThatGirl on September 21, 2014 at 1:37pm

@ GEoff - I was up to Episode 9 and 10 would probably be the last. I'm most proud of about 3 of those. 

  1. Breaking and Entering
  2. Tyrant Andromeda - Pete's video with her
  3. Little Things
  4. Ignition
  5. Acceleration
  6. Guilt And Innocence - Pete and I
  7. Burnout
  8. Akos
  9. Arete....(nearly done but no, never)
  10. Dove Vado/Va Dove Vado /Collateral Damage/ a ton of other working titles...(written in blood but will never be done)

Okay GEoff, can we call this my contribution to Unfinished Projects? 

Comment by ThatGirl on September 21, 2014 at 1:50pm

@Geoff - That "pre-Tarantino" scene is mostly cut-up Into this mash-up video

This video is an extended version of the scene so the whole song could be used, as well as cutin Tarantino's concept scene with a bit more of the "falling of an empire" clips from his brilliant film.

Comment by NatureJunkie on September 28, 2014 at 7:32pm

You do not have to produce witnesses or evidence that you came up with this scenario set to this particular song before Tarantino did. I totally believe you. You and he have similar flashes of brilliance, so why wouldn't I believe that his mind works like yours?


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