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30 Seconds of Memorial Hall, 1890 and 2008

This is the first video footage I ever took. Memorial Hall was built in the 1870s to memorialize Harvard University's war dead--at least the ones who fought for the Union. Those tablets have names, dates and battles on them. When I was shooting an usher came out of Sander's Theater (the very end of the building) and said 'get that one'. It was Paul Joseph Revere, grandson of the midnight rider. He died on July 4th at Gettysburg.

I actually have jpegs of several postcards and even a stereopticon slide of the old Memorial Hall, but there is only so much you can do in 30 seconds.

19th century Boston was famous both artistically and technically for its stained glass. Memorial Hall is one of the largest displays of secular stained glass you're likely to run across.

The music is "Caravan" performed by Les Paul and Chet Atkins.

Views: 38

Comment by NatureJunkie on June 14, 2011 at 3:48pm
Nice piece, Geoff. Interesting that the stained glass had secular motifs, because the rest of the place sure is churchey.
Comment by SydTheSkeptic on June 14, 2011 at 6:56pm

Finally, a Geoff vid I can see!

Well done!  I love how each shot is framed/composed.  No shaky camera stuff...first video...dang.  The last shot's my absolute fave.  I could explore it forever.

Comment by SydTheSkeptic on June 14, 2011 at 6:57pm
Hey, how'd you get your Vimeo vid that big?  Did you re-set the dimensions in the code when you first embedded it?
Comment by Marie on June 15, 2011 at 10:15am
You alway get everything just ~right! Beautiful!
Comment by Geoff on June 15, 2011 at 5:53pm

It is somewhat churchey, NJ, but I think that is due to the architectural motifs available. I mean most of the older banks of America look a little like Greek temples--plinth, column, architrave, etc. Tourists often think it is a church but it has always been filled with dining halls or college offices and a really nice little theater. 1870s America was enthralled by John Ruskin's ideas about architecture but this isn't really Ruskinian Gothic. The different colored slates in the roof look more like Vienna or Budapest. If you walk around the back of the building--not really featured in this vid--you see the heads of early Church fathers and Roman philosophers poking out everywhere. Basically, it's a mess. But you don't get tired of looking at it.


Thank you, Marie!

Syd, as a beginner I was too chicken to shoot without a tripod. I still favor minimal camera movement usually. And yes, I just changed the numbers in the embed text to 640 by 480. Some of my videos look better small (it hides the rough spots) but I wanted this one to be big.



Comment by BlancheNoE on June 15, 2011 at 6:50pm

They certainly don't make them like they used to.

Gorgeous as usual, Geoff... and Syd ! I'm laughing out loud here because I was going to ask Chig how to get the vids bigger.

Thanks Geoff !

Comment by Geoff on June 16, 2011 at 11:04am
Amy, I'm stunned and kinda chuffed that I knew something that you and Syd didn't know about uploading videos! Thank you for watching. I'm trying to upload another 30 second building video now and the Gods are punishing me for my arrogance by somehow blocking the process...


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